Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 26

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

I stay in the living room with my dad until Duke gets here and then he shows up five minutes later. Before my dad goes to open up the door, he says to me, “Go to your room until I tell you to come out.” I nod my head, stand up and head into my room and before I can shut my door, Matt walks into my room and I say, “What are you doing?” Matt shuts my door before he says, “Dad told me to stay in here until he says that Duke has left.” I sigh and say, “What dad thinks that I’ll come out and try to see Duke?” Matt nods his head and says, “Unfortunately, yes.” I shake my head and say, “I can’t believe dad can’t trust me enough that I wouldn’t come out of my room yet.”

Matt shrugs his shoulders and says, “Dad trusts you a lot Astrid, he told me to come in here to keep you company until dad gives the all clear sign.” I sigh in relief and Matt says, “So what do you want to do?” I shrug my shoulders and Matt says, “We could watch television, if you want to.” I nod my head and then we sit down in front of the television and I turn it to a show called ‘Bones’. Were in my room for two hours and then dad knocks on the door and says, “You both can come out now.” Matt opens up my door and says, “What happened?” My dad points to the living room and says, “Matt get your brothers and Astrid come with me.”

Matt begins banging on Jared’s door and then I follow dad into the living room. When Matt comes back with Jared and Mike they sat down and Matt says, “So what happened?” My dad stands up, walks over to the window and says, “We made a deal.” Dad looks at Matt and Matt says, “Continue.” Then dad sighs and says, “The deal is if Duke turns himself into the police; then he can date Astrid.” Matt stands up, walks over to dad and punches a hole into the wall beside dad and he says, “Why in the hell are you allowing Duke to redate Astrid!?” Dad looks at the hole and says, “I don’t know Matt, I just think everybody deserves a second chance, isn’t that what you always said, Matt?” Then Matt backs up, walks to the door, opens it and then shuts it loud; all the while saying, “This is bullshit!” I stand up and run out the door, chasing after Matt.

When I caught up to Matt, he pulled me into a hug and he says, “I won’t ever forgive Duke if he hurts you again.” I wrap my arms around Matt and he says, “I think Duke is bluffing when he says he’ll turn himself in.” I nod my head and say, “I think so too.” Matt kisses the top of my head and says, “If Duke does turn himself in, I will try to trust him, even if it means that I will hate myself afterwards.” I look up at Matt and say, “I don’t want you to hate yourself.” Matt smiles at me and says, “Anything for you, Astrid.” We head back into the house and my dad says, “I’m sorry Matt, I truly am.”

Matt nods his head and says, “It’s okay dad, because now Duke will probably be in jail for a long time.” Three days later, I turned on the television and I saw that ‘A Haunting’ was on so I decided to watch it and then I heard my dad yell out, “What the hell?!” Just when I was about to go and find out what happened, dad comes to me and says, “Duke isn’t going to jail for what he did to you, instead it’s his father.” Matt comes running out and says, “What’s going on?” I swallow hard and dad says, “Duke isn’t going to jail, his father is.” Matt punches another hole into the wall and says, “That is fucking bullshit!” My dad sighs, looks at the holes and says, “I’m not the cops Matt; if you have a problem, take it up with them.”

Matt shakes his head and dad says, “You better be paying to get those holes filled up.” Matt sighs, looks at the holes and says, “Fine, I’ll pay for it.” My dad nods his head and says, “Damn right you better pay for it.” I sigh and Matt walks back to his room and my dad says, “Duke is going to be coming over tomorrow.” I sigh again and my dad says, “I know and I’m sorry I screwed up.” I shake my head and say, “It’s alright dad, at least somebody is going to jail.” I sit back down on the couch and dad says, “I wish I didn’t make that deal with Duke.” I slightly smile at my dad and say, “What’s done is done dad, no changing the past.” My dad nods his head and says, “Wish I could change the past.” After dad says that he sits down on the couch beside me and he pulls me towards him and kisses me on the forehead. I smile at him and turn back to watch television but what I was watching had ended so I turned it to something else and little by little I seemed to forget my problems.

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