Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 3

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I got out of the car grabbing my suitcase after I had gotten out when Reese came over and he grabbed it. I blushed a little cause he touched my hand and I said, "Thank you Reese." He smiled at me and said, "No problem and by the way I like shy girls like you." I blushed even more when Raven came over and said, "Reese stop flirting with my best friend." I smiled at Raven and she smiled back cause she knew that she had saved me.

We got inside and Miles wasn't around so I asked Reese where he was and Reese said, "Out buying food for you girls." Roy came out of his room and he went over and hugged me. I hugged him back and I saw a guy coming out of Roy's room. Roy released me and he said, "Astrid, this is my best friend Duke." I nodded my head and when Duke extended his hand I shook my head no.

Roy looked at me as if I had just killed somebody and I said to him, "What's your problem?" By me saying that it pulled him out of the look that he was producing. Roy thought about what he was about to say for a few seconds and then he said, "How come you didn't want to shake his hand?" I gave Roy a glare of daggers and said, "Is there a law that says that I have to shake his hand?" Roy shook his head no and I said, "That's what I thought."

I sat my stuff in Raven's room, I got changed into my pajama's, and when I got out everybody was playing truth or dare and because I hate that game I was able to get out of playing. I was watching them play when Miles came in with four bags of groceries and I stood up grabbing two of them. Miles smiled at me, shuts the door, then looks back at me and says, "Thanks." I nodded my head and then I set the two bags on the counter, when Miles said, "Okay small people its time for bed." I started to walk to Raven's room when someone grabbed my arm so I turned around and I saw Duke standing there so I said, "Let go of my arm." He just continued to have a hold on it and he said, "What is your last name?" I finally was able to get him to let go of my arm and I started walking away and when I was only three feet from him that's when I turned around and said, "My last name is Hudson."

Duke's P.O.V.

When I found out that Raven's best friend turned out to be my father's worst enemy I freaked out. There was no way in hell that this was happening, cause then I would have to tell my father that I met her. When Roy and I got into his room, I grabbed him and shoved into the wall and I yelled, "Why in the hell didn't you tell me your sister is best friend's with a Hudson." I could definitely tell he was confused so I said, "My father is enemies with her father. Roy made an "O" shape with his mouth.

I couldn't sleep at all cause all I could think about is Astrid for some reason and that made me uncomfortable. So I stood up and walked out into the kitchen where I literally ran into Astrid. Before I could apologize to her (wait a minute did I say apologize, what I really wanted to tell her was to watch it), she beat me to the punch and said, "Watch where the hell your going." Oh man, does she look cute when she yells is what I thought. Wait, what the hell am I thinking?

I didn't notice Astrid staring at me with a concerned look in her eyes and she said, "Are you okay?" I shook my head not knowing why I'm getting these bizarre feelings for Astrid. I was still thinking about why I would have these feelings when I felt a hand on my cheek, so I looked up and I saw Astrid and she said to me, "Do you need to go to the hospital?" I shook my head and she was about to take her hand away when I grabbed her hand and I looked at her she had a weird look on her face. I wrapped my arm around her, I pulled her close and I brought my head down when I felt her arms around me. I smiled at that and I kissed  her gently at first but then it became needy.

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