Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 17

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

We began kissing more but then we had to stop cause I heard somebody knocking on my door. We pulled apart and then I opened up the door to see my father standing there so I said to him, “Hi dad.” My dad smiled at me and said, “Hi Astrid, are you planning on going anywhere with Duke?” I nodded my head and said, “I think so.” Then dad handed me some money and said, “Here is some money, go crazy.” I laughed and said, “Thanks for the money dad.” My dad smiled and then he left so I closed the door and I turned around to find Duke sitting on the floor with Bella. I walked close to Duke and I sat down beside him laying my head on his shoulder. Once when I had my head on his shoulder he grabbed my hand and he held it.

We were like that for a while when Duke said, “Did you want to go somewhere now or did you want to wait?” I lifted my head off of his shoulder and I said to him, “I want to go now.” Duke nodded his head and then he helped me up and we went out of the house towards his car. We got into his car and drove off heading towards the mall. We got to the mall, got inside and immediately went to Hot Topic where I felt at peace cause I was near something that I love. I went to the t-shirts and I found an invader zim hoodie that I didn’t have so I grabbed it and then I went to the skinny jeans area. I found two pairs that I liked so I got them too and I also found a choker necklace. Duke was holding my stuff for me but when I turned around from looking at the cd’s he was up front paying for my stuff with his money.

After they put my things in a bag Duke turned around and said, “Shit I’m caught.” I shook my head, smiling and said, “Next time I’m paying for my things.” Duke nods his head and says, “Okay babe.” I smile at him and say, “I don’t mind you buying me stuff, it’s just that I have money and I want to spend it with that.” Duke nods his head and he says, “That’s okay, as long as I can buy you lunch.” I nod my head and I say, “You can buy.” Duke grinned and we left the store heading towards Best Buy to the movie section. I then decided to head over to the anime section and I found Spiral: the bonds of reasoning boxed set and because I have all fifteen of the manga’s I decided to get it.

As soon as I grabbed it my phone went off and when I checked who it was, it was saying that it was Shane calling. I answered it saying, “What do you want, Shane?” Shane laughed and said, “What, can I not talk to my best friend?” I sighed out loud and said, “What are you doing?” I could hear somebody’s music blasting and Shane says, “I’m heading towards the entrance of the mall.” I gave a glare to Duke cause I could tell that he was trying to listen in my conversation and I said, “I’m in Best Buy in the anime section.” I hung up and then Duke says, “Who was that?” I didn’t say anything and then Duke says, “I guess I’m going to have to find out the hard way.” I smiled at Duke and said, “He’s coming here.”

Duke smiles back and says, “Let me guess, it’s Shane.” I nod my head and Duke says, “Great.” Right when Duke was about to say something else Shane walks in and he sees me so he walks over and says, “Hi Astrid, Hi Duke.” We both nod our heads and Shane says to Duke, “Can we be friends, Duke?” I look at Duke and he says, “Sure, as long as you understand that Astrid is my girlfriend.” Shane nods his head and says, “I know that.” Duke sighs out loud and says, “I meant you can’t kiss her anywhere.” Shane nods his head and says, “I understand now, I won’t do it again.”

Duke pulls me towards him wraps his around my waist and he kisses my cheek. I noticed that Shane looked away when Duke kissed my cheek so I whispered in Duke’s ear not to kiss me again until Shane leaves and Duke was okay with it. I smiled at Shane and say, “What are you doing here?” Shane smiles at me and says, “Was hoping to see you and maybe buy a new movie but mostly to see you.” I laughed at that and said, “That’s sweet of you, Shane.” Duke didn’t like that and he says, “Don’t you have better things to do then stalk Astrid?” Shane growled at Duke and said, “I am not stalking Astrid, you stupid asshole.” Duke punched Shane in the stomach and then Duke says, “I don’t want to hurt you cause your Astrid’s best friend.” Shane then punched Duke in the face and then he walked off but then when he got a good distance from Duke and I, he says to Duke, “Did you know that Astrid lives next door to Maxx?”

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