Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 16

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

I gasped and said to her, “Do you have a brother named Maxx?” Jade nodded her head and she said, “He is, why do you?” I shook my head not wanting to drag her into what happened today and said, “No reason, just asking.” Jade nodded her head and said, “Okay, just wondering.” I checked my phone and I saw that it was twelve thirty in the morning so I told Jade that I was getting tired and she said, “Okay, talk to you later then.” I nodded my head, shut my window and then I lock it and then I picked up Bella and I got into my bed, laying Bella beside me. I pulled the blankets on top of me and then I laid down falling asleep instantly. I woke up at four thirty for some reason but then I realized that I heard something hitting my window so I got up and walked over to my window.

I looked out the window and I saw Maxx standing there waving at me. I opened up my window and I say to Maxx, “What do you want, Maxx?” Maxx smiles at me and says, “What, can’t I see my best friend?” I glared at him and said, “Who says I’m your best friend?” Maxx smiles at me again and says, “I say you are.” I shook my head and I say, “Whatever, I’m going to bed?” After I said that, I stood up about ready to shut my window when Maxx calls out, “Wait, don’t go yet!” I keep my hands on the window and say, “What do you want?” Maxx stays silent for a bit and says, “I really want to be friends with you.” I stay silent thinking about it and then I say, “As long as you leave Duke alone.”

Maxx nodded his head and he says, “Okay, I’ll leave Duke alone.” I nod my head and then I say, “Goodnight, Maxx.” After I say that I shut my window, locking it before Maxx can say anything else. I get back into bed when I realized where is Bella? I grabbed my phone and I pushed a button and it lit up so I started looking and I saw that she was sleeping her doggy bed. I smiled at that, put my phone away and then I fell back asleep. I woke up five minutes before my phone was supposed to go off and I got out of bed and then I went into the bathroom with a pair of skinny jeans and a Nickelback t-shirt. I took my shower and then I got dressed and then I took my clothes to get washed.

I went downstairs and I saw that Matt was making breakfast and when I was about ready to ask him if he could make some for me, he nodded his head and said, “I will make you some, just sit down.” Matt then turns around and he smiles at me, handing me a plate. I smiled at Matt, said my thanks and dug in. After I got done eating Matt took care of my plate so I could go upstairs and talk to Duke. As soon as I got up to my room I heard my ringtone playing but by the time I got to my door it stopped playing so I walked inside to where my phone is. Once I was by my phone it went off again and I saw that it was Duke calling so I answered it. I was hoping that Duke would ask me if I wanted to go somewhere and my hope became true because Duke had asked if I wanted to go out with him. I told him that I wanted to and he said, “Awesome… don’t eat lunch cause I’ll be taking you out to eat.”

I told him that I couldn’t wait to see him and he says, “I can’t wait to see you either, I will be coming to pick you up soon.” I told him okay and he says, “I’ll see you soon, love you.” I blushed full red and then I said back to him, “Love you too.” Duke hangs up and then I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, comb my hair and then I put on a bit of makeup. By the time I had gotten done with those three things someone was knocking on my bedroom door and I answered it to see a smiling Duke. I smiled at him and I let him in and once when he came into my room I shut my door saying, “How did you get here so fast?” Duke turns around to face me and says, “I was already driving around before I called you.” I nod my head and I say, “Well, I’m glad you’re here, I probably would’ve gone nuts waiting for you to get here.” Duke walked over to me and pulled me into a hug and he says, “Well, I’m glad I came here before you went nuts.” While Duke was hugging me a single thought pierced my head, ‘When would be a good time to tell Duke that Maxx lives next door to me?’ Then I felt Duke moving and when his face was in front of mine he kissed me on the lips.

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