Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 4

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Astrid's P.O.V.

It felt good, him kissing me, but what really sucks was when he pulled away. I whimpered and Duke smiled and I said, "Its not funny, I want another kiss." Duke chuckled and he said, "I live to serve." I wrapped my arms around his neck and I said, "Damn right." Duke lowered his head and he started kissing me again when Roy came in and he said, "What in the hell are you doing?"

I was blushing like crazy hiding behind Duke when he said, "Its not like I was kissing your sister." Roy glared daggers at Duke and he said, "If I ever catch you kissing my sister, I will kill you." Duke pulled me away from being behind him to being beside him and then he put his arm around me and said, "Don't worry Roy, my eyes are for one lucky girl." I smiled at Roy and I said, "Don't worry Roy, Raven wouldn't even go near Duke." Roy left the room and Duke said, "Why wouldn't she go near me?"

I gasped and I said, "You have a thing for Raven!" I lowered my head cause I was sad when Duke said, "I don't want her, I want you." I looked at Duke and he closed the gap between us with his body and he started kissing me again. I heard somebody say excuse me and I saw that it was Miles. He sighed out loud and said, "This is not a house where you could just make out wherever the hell you want to!"

I apologized to Miles and I left the room to go back to Raven's room where I thought about the kiss before I fell asleep. I woke up the next day really early, it was five o'clock and cause I didn't want to go back to bed I got up grabbed my clothes and took a shower. The clothes that I grabbed was an Avenged Sevenfold shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I walked out of Raven's room and into the kitchen where I bumped into Miles. I apologized to him and he said, "It's fine."

I made myself two pieces of toast with butter and then I poured myself a glass of apple juice. I was starting to eat my second piece when Duke came around the corner and scared the shit out of me. Duke started laughing and I punched his chest hard and I said, "Its not funny!" Then Duke kissed my lips and he took a bite of my toast. I had to go home after lunch and I didn't want to, I wanted to stay. Duke started writing something on a piece of scratch paper that was near us and he stuffed it in my pocket and said, "Don't look at it until you get home." I nodded my head and he walked off into the living room.

When I got home I immediately went to my room without  stopping to talk to to anybody cause I wanted to see what was on the piece of paper. I sat my stuff on my bed and I pulled the paper out of my pocket and it read, 'Astrid, here's my number call me." I pulled my phone out about ready to call him but I decided not to cause that would probably seem that I'm too eager to speak with him. I decided to unpack my stuff to get my mind off of wanting to call him. I put my dirty clothes in the laundry basket and then I got back in my room and called Duke.

Duke answered the phone on its first ring and he said, "I was wondering when I would get to hear your voice." I smiled at that and I said, "Where you at?" Duke chuckled and he said, "What? Miss me already?" I blushed a bit and I said, "Maybe I do, maybe I don't, now answer my question." Duke was silent for a bit so I thought he had hung up when he said, "Answer my question first and I'll answer yours."

I blushed some more and I said, "Yeah, I miss you, I miss you a lot." Duke, I could definitely tell was smiling when he said, "I'm at home, thinking about you." I noticed that Bella jumped on my bed, so I started petting her when I said to Duke, "That's so sweet of you." Duke laughed and said, "No prob, girlfriend of mine." I almost dropped my phone but managed to have a hold on it and I said, "Excuse me, but I can't be your girlfriend, not with our fathers' fighting going on."

Duke sighed and said, "I want you to be my girlfriend, cause I don't think I could live without you." I smiled at that and I said, "Okay, I guess I'll be your girlfriend." Duke copied what I said but had boyfriend at the end. A knock at my door had startled me and I heard Matt say that supper was ready. I said okay to my brother and I told Duke that I would call him after I ate my supper and Duke said, "Okay, talk to you later then."

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