Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 36

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

I enjoyed Raven’s company but when she threatened to yell at me, it made me enjoy her company less. I kinda thought that Raven wouldn’t do it but I also wouldn’t put it pass her either. We began talking again about random shit when my phone began playing its ringtone and I saw that it was Duke. I tell Raven that it’s him and she says, “I don’t want to see him, if I do I will end up wanting to kick the shit out of him.” I laugh a little and say, “I would love to see that.” After I say that, I answer my phone and tell Duke that he can’t come over because Raven is over. Duke was upset about the fact that he couldn’t come over but he also knew that Raven would never forgive him.

After I say that, Duke tells me that he has to go so I say, “Alright bye.” We hung up then and Raven says, “What did he want?” I shake my head and say, “Geez, you my mom?” Raven laughs and says, “No, I’m not; I just wanted to know.” I sigh before speaking and say, “He wanted to come over but I told him that you were here.” Raven lays down on her pillow and says, “Thanks; I feel really tired.” I stood up, walked over to the light switch and say, “Do you want to go to bed now?” After she nods her head I was about to turn the light switch off when Raven calls out, “Wait! Let me get my blanket out of my bag.”

After she gets her blanket out and lays down to put it on her, I turn the light off and I navigate my way safely to my bed. I get in bed, pull the covers up on me and Raven says, “Goodnight Astrid.” I repeat it back to her and I begin to feel my eyelids close on me so I let them. I woke up the next day and I saw that Raven was still sleeping so I wanted to be as quiet as possible so I don’t wake her. I grabbed a pair of clean clothes and took a quick shower. I got my clothes on and went downstairs quietly to get some breakfast. I was in the middle of eating breakfast when I heard somebody coming down the stairs. The person suddenly comes into view and I see that it’s Raven. I smile at her and she says, “Is it okay if I have cereal too?”

I got done with my breakfast first before Raven so I stayed at the table and waited until she was done. Five minutes later Raven is done with her breakfast so I grabbed her bowl and mine and rinsed them out. We went back up to my room and we sat on my bed and decided to look at some photos that I had. When twelve o’ clock came, Raven had to leave so my dad took her home after we hugged each other. I went up to my room and was about to clean it because it was a bit messy when my phone’s ringtone went off. I grabbed it off my desk and saw that it was Duke so I answered it and say, “Hey babe.” Duke chuckles and says, “Can I come over?” I tell him no because I’m cleaning up my room and he says, “Aw, I really wanted to see you today. “

After we hung up after an hour of talking, I began to work on my room once more and an hour later, my room is all picked up. I collapsed on my bed completely worn out from picking up my room. I closed my eyes deciding to take a nap. I woke up an hour later to somebody shaking me gently and once my eyes became focused, I saw who was shaking me and it was my brother Jared. I sighed before saying, “What do you want?” Jared sits down on my bed and says, “Was just wondering if you wanted to have a brother and a sister bonding.” I sat up and say, “Sure.” I stand up and so does Jared and then we head into his room. We both sat on the floor and we just sat there talking.

After a while I decided to call it quits so I tell Jared that I’m going to go into my room. He sighs and says, “Fine, go ahead.” I hug him and say, “I’ll hang out with you again.” Jared grins and says, “Awesome. When?” I shrug my shoulders and Jared says, “Well decide on a time, kay?” I nod my head and then I get up off the floor and head back into my room. When I enter my room, I turn my phone on silent and then I lay on my bed. I take another nap and I wake up just before supper so I head downstairs and dad says when he sees me, “Hey bed head, have a nice nap?” I nod my head slowly and dad yells out, “Time to eat!”

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