Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 44

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

I spent all my time writing the next few days because for once, I was motivated to do it. I began to see Duke less and less because I really wanted to have five notebooks completely filled with songs. I had completed three notebooks and I was working on number four at the moment. Somebody began knocking on my door so I got up and opened it to reveal Raven. I smile at her and she says after I shut the door, “Roy told me that Duke says he feels like you do not want to see him anymore.” I groan and say, “I wanted to finish five notebooks of songs first before I wanted to see Duke again.” Raven gasps and says, “You really don’t want to see him do you?”

I shake my head slowly and say, “Not really no, but don’t tell Roy or Duke I said that.” Raven shakes her head and she says, “Astrid, I would never tell anybody anything you wouldn’t want me to tell them.” I smile at her and after Raven left, I decided to call Duke. We talked for a while and Duke understood why I wasn’t wanting to see him. I didn’t tell him about me wanting to sing, I told him that I wanted a little break but that we would be seeing each other soon. I finished all five notebooks and I decided to begin a brand new one. I had five pages filled with songs and just when I was working on number six, I couldn’t think of anything new to write. It disturbed me a little not knowing what to write but I figured that maybe it’s just a sign that I need to get out more.

I called Duke and asked him if he could come over and he said that he’ll be over soon. I hid the notebook with the others and I waited until Duke came over. When he finally came over, I knew that it was going to be weird for me; having him touch me. Three hours later when he left, I had a strange feeling that somehow we have grown apart. I shook that feeling away thinking that it was just my mind messing with me. I went to bed then and hoped that when I wake up, I wouldn’t have bad thoughts or bad feelings. I woke up the next day and I was feeling good about today; no bad thoughts or feelings and I felt like I could write a lot of songs today. So I began to write and I had nine pages filled with songs.

Duke’s P.O.V.

I felt like Astrid was ignoring me and I didn’t like that. I was watching ‘American Dad’, when my phone began to play its ringtone and I thought that it was Astrid calling. So I grab my phone and I saw that it was an unknown number so I didn’t answer it. After the phone stopped ringing it rang again to indicate that somebody left me a voicemail. I listened to it and I couldn’t believe my ears, it was from my old love Lily. I decided not to call back yet because it would make me seem too eager. I thought that maybe Lily didn’t want to see my anymore but she just called me so that proves that she wants to see me again.

I decided to call Lily then and we talked for a very long time and I found out that her family is moving here in a house close to mine. I couldn’t believe that she’s moving near me, I hoped that we could be good friends. What was sad though was that they weren’t going to be here for a while since there from New York plus their driving too. I got done talking with Lily so I decided to go to bed and I hoped that I would be able to see Astrid tomorrow. I went to bed wondering to myself, ‘Should I ask Astrid to marry me soon?’ I decided that maybe I should do a romantic dinner and ask her during that. The day I ask Astrid and the day she says yes, I will be happy with her for the rest of my life.

I woke up the next day and decided to call Astrid to see if I could come over again. She told me that she would love to have me come over so I tell her that I’m on my way. I wasn’t going to tell Astrid about Lily because she would get upset by it. I left the house to go see Astrid and I then decided when I was going to propose to Astrid. When I arrived at Astrid’s house, I was about to get out but she came out and walks over to my car. When she gets in I say, “Where to?” Astrid says that she wants to go to the park. When we arrive at the park Astrid says, “Dad’s getting impatient.” I give a look that says, ‘'Why?” and she says, “He thought that maybe we would have already moved into a house together.”

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