Chapter 36

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Sadaf's POV

I could barely keep my eyes open while sat in my 9am lecture. Hanifa kept me from falling asleep which would of been quite embarrassing. I was struggling to stay up due to being on FaceTime with Yusuf till 5am. We didn't even realise the time go by, before we knew it was already sunrise and I was only able to manage to get 2 hours of sleep. I'm sure Yusuf is also struggling to stay up at work. We made sure to check last night that he had no meetings in the morning, even though that was no excuse to stay awake for so long.

"Sadaf you should slept early or while it was still dark." Hanifa whispered.

"Please not now, I'm too tired." I looked down trying to keep my eyes open.

"Exactly, you have work later as well." Hanifa was adamant to get her point across to me.

"Mhmm" I was too tired to say anything and she was right. I'm going to need coffee after this lecture.

My energy came back to me slowly throughout the morning. The coffee helped to wake me up and help me focus while I sat through my lectures. I left university straight after all my lectures ended. I was eager to see Yusuf, I'm not sure why I was having these feelings. I had only seen him yesterday and spent the whole night talking to him, yet I wanted to be with him as soon as I could. Just his presence around me makes me feel safe, like I have no worries. I was able to get to work half an hour early. This meant I could have a quick chat with Natasha and spend more time with Yusuf.

"You're not supposed to be in for another half hour." Natasha said as soon as she seen me stepping out of the elevator.

"I know but at least I get to spend some time with you for a quick chat." I gave her a hug.

"Hmm you'll spend about 5 minutes with me then go to lover boy and spend the rest of your time with him." She explained in a joking manner.

"That's not true. I would spend 7 minutes with you." I teased. We both shared a laugh.

"So, how is university treating you?" Natasha asked.

"I feel like I'm already stressing because of the workload they are saying we will have. I guess I have to forget what sleep is for the final year." Just thinking about it would make me stress more.

"You'll be fine just make sure you stay organised and no last minute working." She ordered. "And if you need help I'm always here and so is your lover boy." She gave me a wink. "Speaking of lover boy." She immediately said as soon as a thought came to her head. "Him and his family were over at yours on Sunday weren't they?"

"Yeah they came over, his mum wanted to meet my mum." I told her.

"Rishta discussion?" She asked out of curiosity.

"No, nothing like that. It's still early days." I dismissed her thoughts.

"Just make sure you're happy whatever you do. And keep that pretty smile on your face." Natasha said pinching my cheeks.

"Will do." I gave her a huge grin. "So anything interesting happen at work today?"

"Same old, one thing though, Yusuf's been making that poor Rafael run around in the office like a lost puppy carrying the files.

"Oh god, he probably doesn't even know his way around properly yet." I rolled my eyes at the thought of why Yusuf was doing this. "I'll have a talk with Yusuf." I assured her.

"He's probably getting him back for dancing with you the other day. If I was your man I would be pissed too. But, maybe not get him back at work." Natasha pointed out.

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