Chapter 9

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Sadaf's POV

It was my final day of training today. I was able to find my way around the building myself now. I had brushed up on all the skills needed. I think I got this now. The only thing left for today was my meeting with my boss. I wasn't looking forward to the meeting, but I have to get it over and done with. I'm also going to have to get used to his cold attitude, since I'll be spending a lot more time with him after this week. I plan on keeping my head down and just doing what he asks of me. I'm not particularly keen on getting on the wrong side of anyone.

"Okay I'll send her over now" Mrs Akram said to the person on the other like of her call and then ended it.

"Sadaf, Mr Khan is expecting you now, make your way down to his office and if I don't see you after the meeting then I'll see you next week." She said with a smile. I made my way down to Mr Khan's office. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in" Mr Khan said. I entered the room. He was sat at his desk looking through his files. "Take a seat." He gestured his hand toward the seat opposite him.

"So Sadaf how did your training go?" He continued. He kept his eyes on his files.

"It went well sir." I replied politely.

"You're ready for your first day then?" He asked.

"I hope so." I replied hesitantly. I kept my eyes on him. Why was he avoiding eye contact? This man is so confusing.

"Okay, I require you to be in at 8 on Monday. Make sure you go through my schedule for the day, I liked to be briefed on all my important meetings as soon as I come into my office." He ordered.

"Okay sir, I'll make sure I do that." I replied.

"Make sure you refer with me before booking any appointments and they'll be a few files I'll need you to look over. You're able to do that right?" He looked at up at me when he asked me that question.

"Yes sir, it shouldn't be a problem." I assured him with a smile. He was looking at me but he seemed to be someplace else.

"Ermm okay that's great!" He said clearing his throat. His was looking everywhere but me now. What's wrong with this guy?

"Sadaf...?" He said after a short pause.

"Yes sir?" I looked at him making eye contact. He had a deep look in his eyes.

"I.. I would like to apologise for my attitude the few times I've seen you. I was a bit distracted, I'm not usually like this." He gave me a soft smile. It's actually the first time I've seen him smile. He looks so much better when he smiles. He is a handsome man. Tall, well built (you could tell he worked out), his hair was slightly gelled back. He had a slight stubble which accentuates his jaw line. His complexion was slightly tanned and a slight dimple on the right side of his cheek would appear when he smiled. It was cute. Oh god. What am I saying? He's my boss. I have to be professional. 

"It's fine sir, I understand." I replied.

"Well I'm glad we cleared that up, do you have any questions for me?" He asked intently. He seemed less tense now.

"Ermm would you require me to work on weekends? Mrs Akram mentioned that you come into the office on weekends on occasions" I wasn't too keen on working on weekends. I kept that time to be with family.

"Well I would let you know if your assistance is required but don't worry it won't be too often and if you're not able to make it, it shouldn't be a problem because it is over time. You may need to stay after hours on occasions.... Anything else?" He's not as bad as I thought he would be. I guess it won't be that bad working for him.

"No that's it sir."

"Well I'll see you on Monday then and welcome to the company." He took out his hand in front of me to shake.

"Thank you sir." I shook his hand and walked towards the door.

"Sadaf...?" He said stopping me just before I was going to leave his office.

I turned back to him, "Yes sir?" I replied.

"Ermm... Enjoy the rest of your weekend." He scratched the back of his head and pressed his lips into a short smile. Why do I have a feeling he wanted to say something else? From this meeting I've gathered that my boss is very hard to read. He's a confusing person. I don't do well with confusing people. Oh Allah help me...

Yusuf's POV

That meeting went well. I'm glad I apologised to her. She seemed to be really polite about it. I can see myself working well with her. I really wanted to ask her if she remembered me from the night in London. I was so close to asking but then I thought it might creep her out of she didn't remember. It's better if I maintain a professional relationship with her. Maybe I can get to know her more when she starts working with me...

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