Chapter 35

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Sadaf's POV

When I got home from the party last night, I informed my mum that Yusuf and his family would be coming over for lunch today. She was excited to finally meet them after I constantly talked about them when I got back from London and my mum loves having guests over.

Me and my sister woke up a little early to start the prep and cooking for lunch. We did as our mim told us to do. We didn't want my mum working too much as this has a negative affect on her body. We both took turns to go up and get ready. My sister went first at 11am to get ready. While she was upstairs, me and my little sister started preparing the plates and glasses. I also finished making the salad. My older sister came down after just over half an hour ready which left me till 12pm to get ready. I went up and decided to wear a pink salwar kameez and do some light makeup. After doing my makeup and putting on my clothes, I decided to straighten my hair since I figured I had some time. Not everyone comes on time.

I managed to straighten half my hair when I heard the door bell ring. "Shit! They're here." I said to myself realising how much hair I still had left to straighten. Damn my long hair. I rushed to straighten the rest of my hair, spritz some perfume over me and threw my dupatta over my shoulder and I ran out of my room. When I go to the living room I seen everyone was seated and already having conversations amongst each other. I opened the door then stepped into the living room. Everyone's heads turned towards me.
"Assalamulaikum" I said feeling slightly embarrassed that I came down late. I went towards Nona and leaned down to give her a hug, and then went to the rest of the ladies one by one to greet them. I gave Adam, Adeel and Yusuf a small wave to say hi. Amira was already playing some games on the iPad with my little sister. Aunty and Nona were sat on one sofa near my mum and the boys were sat with my brother and the girls next to my sisters. The only seat available was by my mum so I went and sat next to her.

"What took you so long?" My mum asked me.

"I was getting ready. Took longer than I thought." I replied.

"Girls always take their time to get ready. Before we got here everyone was ready except Zara. We were all waiting for her." Yusuf's mum said.

"Sadaf beta you look so much like your mum." Nona said. "The same big beautiful eyes Mashallah."

"Aww thank you Nona. The only person I actually look similar to is my mum. I don't look one bit like my siblings." I said to Nona.

"You're kind of the odd one out." Zara joked.

"It's true she is. Even her personality." My older sister said. "Depending on her mood she's either really outgoing or just really quiet. There is never an In-between with her." My sister continued. I noticed that Yusuf had pulled out of the guys conversation and was listening to what my sister was saying.

"Even with her moods, I know Sadaf has a heart of gold and it hurts her more if she ever thinks she's hurt someone." My mum said. I seen a smile grow on Yusuf's face as my mum said that.

"Me and mum knew that Sadaf was good as soon as we met her. You've bought your kids up very well Mashallah." Yusuf's mum said to my mum.

"Thank you. That's all I want is for people to say I was able to raise my kids right and no one is able to point their fingers at them." My mum said with a smile. "Mashallah from what I have seen you have raised your kids wonderfully too." My mum said looking over at Yusuf and his siblings.

"Sadaf go sit with the girls. Why are you with us aunties?" Yusuf's mum said.

"There's no space." I said looking in that direction. Zara heard this then shuffled closer to Marwa. "Sit here Sadaf." She indicated towards a seat between Zara and Yusuf.

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