Chapter 18

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Sadaf's POV

I was at work. I had some files left on my desk which I started going through. I haven't talk to Yusuf since Saturday night. He hasn't tried talking to me either. He's avoided me all morning at work. I don't blame him. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I just couldn't have him liking me. I can't have anyone like me. I won't be good for anyone.

I had a pounding pain in my chest whenever I thought about it. He probably hates me. I felt tears etching in my eyes. I had to stop thinking about it. I don't even know why I was feeling this guilty.

"Have you done the files? Yusuf's asking." Mrs Akram approached me.

"Yes." I said politely. He could have asked me himself.

"Okay I'll take them in." She said. I nodded and passed her the files. I watched as she went into Yusuf's office. He's probably going to fire me soon too. He doesn't even want to talk to me and I'm his P.A.

The next few days went the same. We avoided each other most of the day. He would either email me any work in the mornings and leave files on my desk when I went for lunch. Luckily, he didn't have any meetings the past days, so I did not have to brief him on anything.

"Sadaf, can I see you in my office?" Mrs Akram said when she came to my desk. Great, I'm getting fired today.

"Sure." I stood up from seat and then followed her to her office. I was fidgeting with my fingers.

"Take a seat Sadaf." Mrs Akram said when we entered her office. I sat down on the chair by her desk.

"Sadaf, is everything okay with you?" Mrs Akram asked. Her voice was soft and there was concern on her face.

"Yes Mrs Akram, everything's fine." I replied.

"Sadaf, tell me if I'm not correct,but it seems like you're trying to avoid Yusuf. All I've seen you do this week is sit at your desk and work. He asks me to bring his files into the office by making excuses. I know when something's wrong. Did Yusuf do something?" Her voice was soft. I couldn't tell her what happened. We were being childish really.

"No Mrs Akram, we just had a misunderstanding." I don't know if I sounded convincing.

"Look whatever happened, you need to sort it out. We are working in a professional environment. These kind of things shouldn't come between work. I know it's not just you. I'm going to talk to Yusuf as well. His father told me to watch him. I don't want to see this still going on." Her voice was stern. I hope she doesn't say too much to Yusuf. He'll just blame me. I was becoming more nervous now.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour Mrs Akram." I said.

"It'll get sorted out. You can go to lunch now." She replied.

"Thank you Mrs Akram." She gave me a nod and I left her office. Well at least I didn't get fired. I wasn't sure whether that was good or bad thing.

I spent my lunch thinking what Mrs Akram was going to say to Yusuf. It's just going to frustrate him even more. She was also right about acting professional. I was so lost in thought, I barely touched my food. It was coming towards the end of my lunch break, so I headed back to my desk.

I seen Yusuf standing by my desk. His face was emotionless. I walked towards my desk and waited for him to say something. He looked up and seen me coming towards him.

"Sadaf get into my office now." His voice was stern,. He seemed angry. Mrs Akram has surely talked to him already. I followed him into his office.

He slammed the door shut when I got in. It made me flinch. My heart started to pound really fast again.

"I gave you two simple files to look through. If you needed assistance then you ask." He raised his voice at me. I kept my head down.

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