Chapter 14

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Sadaf's POV

"Sadaf have you heard the latest news from Pakistan?" My older sister asked.

"No! what happened?" I asked her. There's always some sort of drama going on with family back in Pakistan.

"Some one let it slip that dad got married again to someone in Lahore." She laughed in a mocking way. No act of our dad surprises us anymore. I shook my head. I had nothing to say. My father will never learn.

"Do you think the rest know?" My brother asked. He was asking about my dad's brother and sisters.

"I don't know but we're not going to mention anything. They can find out themselves." My sister said. She has a point there's no reason for us to make trouble in other people's lives. That's not how our mother raised us.

"I agree." I said. I wasn't sure they would believe us anyway. Especially if it came from me. They never say it, but I know they always held something against me because I would openly say I do not like my father. I was always treated different by them and given the hardest time. I was always the wrong one and the rude one. I always tried my best to treat them with respect. Things changed after my grandparents passed away.

Yusuf's POV

These files were piling up at work. It's what I expected in the first few weeks of setting up the offices here. I looked over my desk. It looked a mess. Shit. I need to get organised.

"Sadaf, I could really use your help right now. Could you come into my office?" I asked Sadaf over the intercom.

"Sure sir, I'll be right there." She replied.

She was in the office within a minute. "Sir is everything okay?" She asked as soon as she entered my office. Her eyes went straight to my desk.

"Uhh yeah could you help me with these files? I'm swamped with work and well this happened." I gestured towards all the files scattered on the table.

"No problem, you want me to help go through the files with you aswell?" She came towards my desk and started organising the files, so my desk looked a little cleaner.

"Yeah I have a few you can go through." I said trying to find the files.

"Sir why don't we go to that table and look through the files? You have so many files placed on your desk." She suggested going to the bigger table I have on the other side of my office by the sofa. I stood up and followed her to the table carrying a few files and my laptop.

"You look through the file you have by you, while I organise the rest." She came and sat on the other end of the sofa. I already felt less stressed knowing she was by me helping.

"Okay sir, I've put the files in priority order with the most important one at the top." She looked at me and handed my the files. It was the first time today I looked at her properly. Her eyes were red. There was something different about her. Something was wrong.

"Sadaf are you okay?" I asked her.

"Did I do something wrong?" She had a worried look in her eyes now. She misunderstood me.

"No.. I mean your eyes are red, is everything okay?" I asked her again.

"Oh uhm yeah I.. I just didn't get much sleep last night, so they went a little red." She said while looking down. She also started fidgeting. She was lying. I may not know her well but I'm not stupid. I could tell she wasn't comfortable. I wanted to ask her but didn't.

"Oh why don't you get yourself some coffee and some for me while I sort out the two files you can go through." I said with a sympathetic smile.

"Sure." Her eyes seemed lost somewhere else. She left the office to get the coffee. I want to ask her why she was like this. What happened all of a sudden. She'd been fine the rest of the week. But who was I to ask?... I have no right I'm just her boss. I need to concentrate on these files.

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