Chapter 10

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Sadaf's POV

"See, I knew you would get that job." Aaliyah said pulling my cheeks. I decided to go out for lunch with Aaliyah, Neetu and Hanifa. I probably won't be meeting up with them as much after I start work. That's one thing I'm not looking forward to. I love my girls, they always make my day.

"Yeah I think I just go lucky." I explained to all three of them. "It's gonna be hard work, and I have to take it seriously. I think I'm gonna get fired in a few weeks. I'm not the working type." I let out a soft chuckle.

"Oh Sadu my laddoo! You'll be fine and Princess, you have to work at some point. It's good that you started now." Hanifa stated.

"All I heard from that is you calling me princess." I laughed.

"I knew you were going to say that." Neetu rolled her eyes while laughing. We were all catching up on stuff and enjoying our drinks at Starbucks. We always come here when we meet up. It's our spot.

"Hey!! Sadaf isn't that the guy you accidentally bumped into at that shisha lounge in London." Neetu said while trying to get my attention.

"Huh?! Who??" I asked confused. She gestured to the tall, well dressed man in the queue waiting to make his order.

"Neetu don't lie to me right now! Are you sure? Coz that's my boss." I said to Neetu. It can't be him. He never said anything to me and that would just be embarrassing.

"What?! I'm sure it's him. Wow... There must be some real connection there." Neetu joked while all three of them started laughing.

"What is my life!! Okay guys stop staring at him he might notice." I said while getting there attention.

"You know you're boss looks young and he's good looking.... I remember you used to say you wanted to marry a rich, tall, dark, handsome man that you work for. Maybe you fantasy is becoming true." Hanifa reminded me. We used to joke about these things. It would never happen in real life.

"Haha shush... That was a joke. Something like that would just be awkward in real life." I hushed her.

"You can always try to seduce him, maybe it could work" Neetu nudged me.

"Yeah I would try if I wasn't married already. He looks nice." Aaliyah said in a hushed tone.

"Shut up guys! I don't know how to seduce and he's weird anyway." I said looking towards him. He was busy texting someone on his phone while waiting for his drink.

"How?" Hanifa asked.

"He just is. He can be really arrogant and then he can be quite friendly. He has more mood swings than girls." I joked. The girls laughed. I looked up towards him again and now he was walking towards me. Shit. I hope he didn't hear any of that.

"Hi Sadaf." He said. He seemed to be in a good mood.

"Hi! How are you?" I asked. The girls had their eyes on him with a smirk on their faces.

"I'm good thanks, just came here on my lunch break to get a drink. Is this the nearest Starbucks to the office building?" He asked. I could tell he was starting to feel a bit awkward.

"Ermm no there's one that's a five minute walk from the office." I said.

"Oh well you'll have to show me where it is. It would be more convenient I guess." He said while letting out a chuckle.

"Sure... Oh by the way girls, this is my boss Mr Khan." I said while turning towards the girl.

He shook the girls hands while they introduced themselves. "You can call me Yusuf. I'm only Mr Khan at work." He gave them a smile.

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