Chapter 21

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Sadaf's POV

"Yusuf, is it okay if I leave work early today?" I asked. Things were much better between me and Yusuf now. We learnt in the past 2 weeks how to be friends and maintain a professional relationship at work. He hasn't said anything else about that night or how he feels about me.

"Yeah should be fine, is everything okay?" He looks up at me while he eats his lunch.

"Yeah, I have a mehndi function to attend tonight."

"Okay that's fine, just let me know before you leave." He gave me a smile and I left his office getting back to work.

Neetu: Pick me up after you finish work. You're getting me ready for the mehndi tonight.

It was Hanifa's brother's wedding and the mehndi was one of the functions. It's a pretty big ready, so we were all very excited. I was also going to be doing a dance routine at the event which also made me nervous.

Me: Sure! Make sure ur ready at 4 I'll come to your house then. I'm getting off work early. See ya later xx

I replied and went back to doing my work. Yusuf had me sorting out some files for the accounts department. He said it would help me gain experience as I was doing a Business Accounting degree at university.

I finished sorting out all the files given and looked at the time. It was getting close to 4pm. I cleared up my desk, picked up the files and headed to Yusuf's office.

"Hi, I completed the files." I placed the files on his desk.

"I'll check them later." He was busy on his laptop.

"I'm going to leave now. Is that okay?"

"Oh yeah! Erm yeah it's fine, but I have a file for you to look through. I don't need it till Monday, so can you do it on the weekend?"

"Yeah sure, I'll do it tomorrow." I had a free day tomorrow, so I should be able to get it done.

"Okay we'll have fun tonight." He gave me a smile.

"Thanks. Bye." I left his office, grabbed my bag and headed to my car.

Yusuf's POV

"Where's Sadaf?" I looked up to see Shayan walking into my office looking around.

"She left early. She said something about mehndi."

"Oh yeah it's hanifa's brother's mehndi tonight." I looked at him giving him a confused look.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Hanifa told me." It had slipped my mind that Shayan and Hanifa had started to talk to each other a lot since they last met at the restaurant. "And I seen her practicing her dance routine during the lunch breaks." He continued.

"Where does she practice?" I had never seen her.

"In my office while I'm with you having lunch. I walked in once and seen her dance. She's good. She knows how to move those hips."
He gave me a wink as if he was trying to mock me.

"Shut up Shayan." I knew what he was trying to do.

"How are things with both of you now?" He had become aware that it was Sadaf that I had gone on a date with and I ended up telling him everything.

"We're friends. She won't let me be anything more." This was the truth, but I didn't want to lose hope.

"Listen, from what Hanifa's told me about Sadaf. I can tell that it takes a lot for her to trust anyone. You can't just throw yourself at her. It will scare her. She won't believe you. Take it in steps with Sadaf. Build a trust with her first and then see." Shayan explanation helped me a lot. Till now I had been going about it the wrong way. I need to be patient with her.

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