Chapter 2

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Sadaf's POV continued...

I didn't realise how this act of my father's would effect me and my life... I had kept very quiet about this and continued on with my everyday routine like I knew nothing. After a few months it had accidentally slipped my mouth and I had told my older sister, she was shocked but had also found it quiet funny. During this time my dad had come back home, I remember my mother saying she thinks they had gotten into a fight and that she had kicked him out. This was what she had gathered from the phone calls she overheard my dad having.
My sister had also told my grandmother of this and it was all slowly coming out about my father's second marriage. Surprisingly a lot of people from outside the family had also known about this. This had shocked the family as they did not see my father as being so irresponsible.

The greatest shock had come to my grandfather, he had always been a strong-willed man but the worry of what was to come of his grandchildren due to his son's acts kept on eating at him. He soon became ill and just kept getting worse. His worries had the best of him, he thought of my mother as his own daughter and his grandchildren were his life. He just couldn't take this news and within a few months of knowing my grandfather passed away due to a lung collapse and this was 2 weeks after my 14th birthday. It was the first death of the family and had everyone in shock. I still cry over the loss. I loved my grandfather so much, he was my angel.

Things had only become worse after my grandfather's death. 6 months after his death my mother had fallen ill and had become disabled. She was only able to walk about with a stick or crutch. She lost all feeling in one leg. This had meant me and my sister had to help out in the house much more and also with our younger siblings. My father was up to his old ways again, he was always out at night and home during the day but those would be the worst times because he would use us as his punching bags and the abuse had started again. My mother was left helpless. This continued for 2 years until we found out he had once again gotten married. This is when my mother had enough, she had given him a chance before but not this time. With the help of me and my sister, my mother finally gathered up the courage to kick him out of the house. She did receive several threats from him after but it was just all talk and no action.

Fast forward to present day I am now studying at university. I just finished my second year of Business Accounting (BA Hons). My older sister had become a teacher and my younger brother and sister were in high school. We all promised our grandmother to make something of ourselves. She was a strong support system. Unfortunately she passed away when I was 17, but she left a lot of Duas for us and my mother. My father would visit two or three times a year but there was not much contact with him. I can't even bare to look at his face. I hate him so much.

I was about to turn 21 in two weeks, my friends planned a trip to London for a few days during my birthday week. I was looking forward to it. I go out a lot with my friends, but I also don't neglect my duty at home. I'm always there first if needed. My friends are hoping this birthday plan will turn out to be very special for me. I hope so too...

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