Chapter 6

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Sadaf's POV continued...

I received a call the next day from the firm informing me the time and day of my interview. It was now the day of my interview. I am really nervous. I've only had to be interviewed once before. I am naturally a shy person, I hope my shyness doesn't get the best of me today.

I decided to wear a black and white dress with opaque tights. I also put on a blazer and black shoes with 2inch heels. My makeup was kept simple (well simple enough for me). I had foundation on and a little blush. I lined my eyes with black liner and added mascara. I kept a nude pink lip. My hair was left out in loose waves, I barely ever put it up. I don't think it suits my face.

As I made my way to the firm my nerves kept building up. I don't know if I can do this. I'm definitely going to embarrass myself. I eventually gathered my thoughts, took a deep breathe and walked up to the building. I went straight to the fifth floor, I didn't bother with the receptionist on the first floor.

"Hi I'm here for the interview with Mr Khan" I said with a half smile.

"Oh yes! Sadaf?" The same lady from the other day asked. I was surprised she remembered me.

"Yes that's me" I gave her a smile.

"Great! I'll lead you to the waiting room, sir won't be long and don't be too nervous, you'll do fine." She gave a reassuring smile.

"Thank you." Was it that obvious I was nervous. I was fidgeting a lot. I really need to stop that.

"Mr Khan is ready for the interview, would you like to follow me to the room?" The receptionist lady came in. I nodded in response and followed her to the room.

"Good luck!" She said with a smile before I entered the room. I gave her a smile. She really is a sweet lady. 

"Good morning Sadaf, take a seat" Mr Khan gestured to the seat in front of him. There was another man sat next to him. I suppose it was his son. They looked a lot like each other. However his son had this cold glare. It made me more nervous. His father had a very sweet and warming attitude. Complete opposite to his son.

"Good morning" I said to both but only Mr Khan reacted. His son kept his cold glaring eyes on me.

"So shall we start the interview?" Mr Khan said distracting me from his son's glare. I nodded in reply.

The interview went better than I thought. Me nerves started to calm down during the interview. It's mostly because Mr Khan was being sweet. He probably could tell I was really nervous and felt bad for me. His son did not say one thing to me during the interview. He seemed disinterested. I think he was interested in having a model looking personal assistant, which I wasn't at all. So, if he has his way I'm sure I won't be getting the job. At least I had given it a try.

"Sadu! How was your interview?" My mum called after me as soon as I got into the house.

"It was okay ma, but I doubt I got the job" I replied while sitting down on the sofa. The nerves can really tire you out.

"Chal, at least you tried, we'll find out when you get the call" My mum never lost hope.

"Yeah" I said, not in the most enthusiastic way though.

The next morning my phone started ringing. It was 10:30am. I was still asleep. I love sleeping in.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hi this is Laura from Khan's Shipping" the lady on the other of the line replied.

"Oh okay".

"I'm glad to inform you that you got the job as personal assistant to Mr Khan" The lady said in a chirpy voice.

"Oh wow! Thank you so much". I was shocked. I really didn't think I would get this job. The lady went on to explain to me that I would have to come in for training next week and then properly start the week after.

After the call ended, I ran downstairs calling my mum, she was in the kitchen.

"Ma!.. Ma! Guess what I got the job" I said as soon as I seen her.

"Ha! That's good! Good girl... My Duas are with you" My mum said I could tell she was happy.

I went on to text my friends to tell them I got the job, they decided to make a plan and go out to celebrate. It was my first official job.

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