Chapter 13

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Sadaf's POV continued...

'FACETIME NOW'... I got home just before 11pm. I changed my clothes and started checking my phone as soon as I was laying on my bed. The first thing I see is this text from Neetu. I took my iPad out and rang her on FaceTime.

"Heyyy" I said when she answered. Knowing what was coming next.

"Bitch what's going on?!!!" She was determined to get some answers.

"About what?! I said trying to avoid it.

"You know what I'm on about, I seen your snapchat story. Now explain." She shouted. I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"It was nothing. I think we're all friends now." I didn't really know what to say.

"Hmm a little too friendly.. Can I just say you two looked cute together." She said.

"Who? Me and Natasha? Yeah I know." I laughed.

"No you and Yusuf. Okay serious talk now I think he likes you." I could from her voice she was being serious now.

"Neetu no! You know I can't." I replied.

"Sadaf you can't let that control your life. Not all the guys are like your dad." I hate talking about this.

"It's not controlling my life and I just don't trust guys in that way. I can be friends with them, but that's it." I always tell her this but she doesn't listen.

"Sadu! You can't be like this all your life. If anyone starts to care about you like that, all you do is push them away." I know she was right but I refused to believe it.

"They decide to walk away." I said. Tears started to fall from my eyes. Everything that has happened in my life has made me like this and I think it's too late to fix.

"And you open the door for them and give them the last push. Listen Sadaf, you always say to me that your grandad was like your angel. Well he wouldn't of left you for no reason. There's another angel written in your life. What if it's someone you end up marrying? But I doubt you can find your angel of you just lock anyone like that out of your life." Neetu's lecture started again. She only says these things for my own good and to make me feel better.

"Can we change the subject now, it's too late in the day to go this deep." I joked.

"Haha yeah... I like what you wore. You looked hot. Remind me to borrow that top." Thank god she changed the subject.

"I knew you would like that top." I said.

"Listen did everyone see your story on snapchat?" She asked. She only asked me this because she knew I had a few people on there that get really jealous.

"Yeah everyone. I wonder what some people would be thinking." I said.

"Haha they are gonna be so jealous. I bet they're taking about you right now. I wouldn't blame them. You were at the beach with two hot guys... That reminds me why didn't u take me with you?" She was only joking.

"Hahaha you're taken, so behave and it was just people from the company with their families." I told her.

"It looked fun." She said with a fake sad face.

"It was. There was a barbeque, music, dancing and we all played football." I was saying all this on purpose.

"Okay shut up bitch. I get it. You better take me next time." She ordered.

"Yeah sure" I replied...

Yusuf's POV

"You're girl looked hot today." Shayan says as we enter our house.

"What girl?" I asked. Who is he going on about now?!

"Sadaf." He stated.

"What you saying Bruv?! She's my P.A." He's gone crazy.

"So?! I seen the way you look at her. You got a thing for her. Admit it." He's lost the plot.

"What are you talking about?! I look at her like I look at everyone else." He's twisting things.

"Yeah? Then why were you watching her dance and not the others. There's nothing wrong with it. She's a beautiful girl and she looked sexy when she was dancing." Shayan said, emphasising sexy when he said it.

"Shut the fuck up." I said while throwing an apple at him.

"Getting jealous already." He teased.

"No Bruv, I'm her boss and she's our employee. We can't be talking like this about her." It was inappropriate. Even if I did like her, she would never date her boss. She had too much self-respect.

"You got feelings for her though, I can tell. At least don't deny that." Shayan said. We sat down on the sofa.

"I don't know Bruv." I sighed.

"Well you better find out soon and then do something about it." Shayan said. He then stood up and walked to his room.

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