Chapter 34

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Sadaf's POV

Today was the day of the party. I spent the rest of the week taking in what Yusuf had said to me on Monday. We had date night on Wednesday and I was able to let out a bit more about how I was feeling and what scared. He sat there and listened. He didn't question one thing I said. He was right, I felt so much better just letting it out to him and I felt myself falling deeper for him. I was also able to meet up with Aaliyah this week and told her everything. She was happy but also worried for me. She didn't know Yusuf that well and didn't want me getting hurt. I assured her by telling her that they'll meet soon.

"Hanifa I'm on my way so make sure you're ready." I said as I was driving to pick up Hanifa. Party started at 3pm and it was 2:50 now. We knew we were going to be late but Natasha told us to pick her up after 3. She wasn't ready yet and she likes to make a late entrance.

We got to Natasha's place at half 3 and it was going to take us another half hour to get to the party. "Guys I hate being late." I said to Hanifa and Natasha in the car. This was the first time they met but instantly clicked.

"We'll were fashionably late so we can make a statement." Natasha said.

"You just want to go see Yusuf that's why you're being like this." Hanifa said. Her and Natasha started laughing.

"No I feel rude when I'm late. In not like you two who have no sense of time." I replied.

"Are you sure it isn't because of Yusuf because your phone is blowing up with texts from him." Hanifa said as she picked up my phone.

"That's both your fault. Always gotta be late." I said taking the phone of Hanifa.

"Okay we're nearly there and it's 3:45. People will still be arriving." Natasha said.

"I really like what your wearing sadu." Hanifa said to me.

"Hanifa I swear Sadaf is always the best dressed in the office. No wonder she has the boss after her. She's stunning." Natasha said.

"That's right. That's my bestfriend." Hanifa said.

"What are you guys on about?! You guys look buff today." Hanifa had on a floral jumpsuit and Natasha wore a skater dress which flaunted her toned legs.

It was just past 4pm when we arrived at the party. It was being hosted at Yusuf's house. I parked up my car and we made our way to the house.

"Shayan's coming to the door to welcome us in." Hanifa said as we walked up to the front door.

"Of course he is." I teased Hanifa. She gave me a look to shut up.

"You girls are finally here." Shayan said when he opened the door and noticed us walking towards him.

"Blame these two for us being late." I said to Shayan.

"Why haven't you been answering your phone? Yusuf keeps calling you." Shayan said.

"Oh Yeah I forgot to text back and tell him I'm driving." I replied.

"Sadaf!! You're here!!" We head a noise come from the kitchen, I turned to see Zara running towards me.

"Zara, how are you?" I said as I gave her a hug.

"I'm good. I've missed you." She said hugging me again. "Natasha how are you?" She then gave Natasha a hug.

"I'm good gorgeous." Natasha replied.

"And you must be Hanifa. I've heard so much about you." Zara said as she pulled Hanifa in for a hug.

"I'm guessing you're Yusuf's sister. Sadaf said I had to meet you." Hanifa said.

"Aww she's a sweetheart." Zara said looking towards me.

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