Chapter 15

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Sadaf's POV

"Ma, my boss is going to give me a lift to work today?" I told my mum while having my breakfast. She fell asleep before I got home yesterday.

"Why? What happened to your car?" She asked slightly confused.

"I was too tired to drive back home, so my boss gave a lift home to stay on the safe side." I explained.

"Okay when is he coming?" She asked.

"Uhh in 5 minutes actually." I said realising I didn't have long to finish my breakfast.

After 2 minutes the door bell rang. My brother went to see who was at the door. "Sadaf!!" My brother called out to me from the door.

"2 minutes I'll be right there." I was quickly putting my blazer on, grabbed my bag and headed to the door.

My brother gave me a look like what was going on. He maybe younger than me, but he is still very protective over his sisters.

"Bilaal this is my boss, Yusuf. Yusuf this is my younger brother Bilaal." I introduced them to each other.

"It's nice meeting you Bilaal." Yusuf said. He bought his hand forward to shake with Bilaal.

"Same here." My brother said and shook his hand.

"You ready to go?" I said to Yusuf.

"Yeah... Assalamulaikum." He said to Bilaal.

"Walaikumsalam." My brother replied.

"Mum will explain." I whispered to my brother as I got out of the house. He gave me a nod. We got into the car and drove off.

"Did you sleep well last night?" He asked. While we were stuck in traffic.

"Yeah caught up on the sleep I missed." I replied.

"Was it okay that I picked you up? Your brother didn't look to pleased." He said.

"Oh no it's fine. He just didn't know who you were that's why he was acting like that." I assured him.

"Oh okay, when I said I'm here to pick you up he looked as if he wanted to do some damage to me... I'm glad your dad wasn't the one to open the door or I would of definitely had my head cut off." He joked. Should I tell him about my dad?!

"You don't need to worry about that. Our dad doesn't live with us." I just came out with it. I don't know why.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know. Why not? You don't have to answer if you don't want to." He said. He seemed a bit shocked.

"It's fine. He lives with his other family. We don't have much contact with him and it's better that way." I told him. He nodded and then started talking about work to lighten up the mood.

Yusuf's POV

I couldn't get what Sadaf told me about her dad out of my mind. I could see pain in her eyes when she was telling me yet her voice sounded like it did not effect her. Why were her feelings so contradicting? I wonder what her father did to them.

Knock, knock.

"Sir while you were at your meeting a lady kept ringing asking for you. She gave me her name Aisha and she left a message saying for to ring her. She left her number, it seemed urgent." Sadaf said when she entered. Aisha! What did she want?! I hadn't seen her in four years. She was my ex-girlfriend. She wanted our relationship to be more intimate physically. I wasn't ready so I broke up with her, I didn't actually love her either.

"Sir everything okay?" Sadaf distracted me from my thoughts.

"Uh yeah thank you." I said.

"No problem." She gave me a smile then left. I'm going to have to see what Aisha wants.

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