Chapter 26

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Sadaf's POV

Last night, we all went to our rooms after the movie had ended. No one caught me and Yusuf holding hands thankfully. I was surprised with myself that I even let him hold my hand throughout the rest of the movie.

I woke up a bit early this morning. I thought I'd Skype call my mum before anything. I'm a bit forgetful with these things once I get busy.

"Assalamulaikum Ma." I said once she answered my Skype call.

"Walaikumsalam. Did you just wake up?"
She asked me. I looked half asleep still.

"Yeah thought I'd call you first thing or I would forget."

"What are you doing today?" She asked my plans for today.

"Going office later and then I'll be back. Have dinner with his family. I'll call you and then we'll see." I told her.

"You don't feel shy do you?" I was very quiet around others, so she gets worried I'm being to shy at times.

"No, his sister is near my age, so I stay with her mostly. His bhabhi and niece are here too. It's not that bad. They're all very friendly." I explained.

"Acha, that's good. So, Yusuf is from a good family?"

"Yeah looks it. Anyway what are you doing?" I asked her.

"I have a doctors appointment later and then just going to rest."

"Okay we'll I'm going to have a shower and then go downstairs. They all have breakfast at half 8. Need to be ready by then."

"Okay take care of yourself."

"You too." I ended the call and had a quick shower.

I decided to change into my office clothes and then go downstairs. I put my regular makeup on and blow dried my hair, so it had a bit of a bounce. I decided to wear a grey pencil dress with opaque tights. Black stilettos and a burgundy cardigan, with a skinny black belt going around my waist.

I left my bag and shoes in the room. I was on my way downstairs, when I bumped into Yusuf again. He was just in his joggers. It looked like he just woke up. I was trying to keep my eyes away from his shirtless body. It was hard though, seen as he was stood right in front of me. I could tell he worked out, but actually seeing his body. Wow. He was so chiselled. He wasn't to built up. He had the muscles on his arms. The rest was lean. It was perfect. I wouldn't be surprised if he ever did get a modelling offer. His joggers were hanging just below his six pack. The girls back home would of loved seeing this.

"You like what you see?" Yusuf broke my train of thought. I realised I was staring at him. Shit.

"Ermm.. No.. Aren't you ready yet?" I said to change the topic. I looked everywhere but at him.

"I'll get ready after breakfast. It doesn't take me long. We'll leave at half 9." Yusuf said.

"Okay well I'm going downstairs." I said as I was started to walk.

"Wait let me grab my shirt, then we'll go together." He said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I nodded in response.

Yusuf rushed into his room and then came out within a few seconds. He came and stood by me and pulled his shirt over his head, then let it fall down covering his abs.

"Let's go." I said as I turned to go down the stairs.

"By the way.." Yusuf said stopping me in my tracks.

"Hmm." I said as I turned to him.

"You look nice in that dress." He said while scratching the back of his head nervously. I gave him a smile and then we both went downstairs.

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