Chapter 3

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Sadaf's POV

"Neetu! Hurry up I've been waiting for 15 minutes in the car, just do your makeup in the car" I shouted down the phone and then hung up. It takes a lot to piss me off but somehow Neetu knows all the exact ways. I met Neetu during my first year of university and we immediately clicked. She's been one of my best friends since.

She finally got out of the house, she did look a bit of a mess, but it didn't really matter it was only me, I've seen her at her worst.
Neetu was Hindu, she had long curly black hair, she was short compared to me and had a much darker complexion.

"Yeah maybe you did need your makeup" I joked, as she got into the car. She gave me her whatever look at started doing her makeup again while I drove off to my other friend Hanifa's house.

Hanifa is another friend I had met in university. We both are doing the same course and that's how we met. She is also Pakistani and what most people would say the sensible one out of us three. She was a bit taller than Neetu and she had the perfect figure. After picking up Hanifa, I went to pick up Tisha and Naila. I've known them two since we were 5. We were all on our way to London to celebrate my birthday tomorrow. I was the one driving, as I was the only one with the car. I know in going to get tired driving for 2 hours, but it's going to be worth it.

After 2 hours we finally arrived at our hotel. Me, Neetu and Hanifa were sharing a room and Tisha and Naila were sharing one.

"OMG!! This room is amazing, hold on let me take a snapchat" Neetu said in shock as soon as we entered our room.

"Can't believe we got such a good deal on this, I would legit live here if I could" Hanifa says with excitement.

"I know right! It's just me being lucky for you lot.. What can I say?!" I said sarcastically.

"Bitch" Neetu says as we all burst out with laughter. I can already tell we're going to have so much fun.

It was round half five now and we were all getting ready to go out for dinner. We planned on going to this fancy restaurant that we booked a table in advance and then we we're going to go to a good sheesha place on Edgware Road. Obviously we all had to dress the part, plus we love doing our hair and makeup. I wore a black bodycon midi dress with half sleeves. I was tall but curvy, so it suited my figure. I left my hair cascading down after I gave it a good blow out. It had loads of layers which gave it shape. I went for a bronzed look for my makeup. I know I'm Pakistani but I love looking tanned. My skin was naturally quite fair. Neetu was wearing a short royal blue bodycon dress. Hanifa chose to wear her skater dress. It was flowy in all the right places and was a lovely nude colour. It looked very elegant. Tisha wore a black lace dress and Naila wore a black jumpsuit. She was not comfortable showing too much skin.

As soon as we were all ready, we put our heels on a made our way to the taxi waiting for us outside our hotel. Within twenty minutes we had arrived at the restaurant. It looked lovely inside. The atmosphere was so romantic. It had the traditional Italian look but also had class. Everyone here was dressed up very formally. I'm glad me and my friends did too.

As we were sat at our table, a waiter approached us asking if we would like something to drink, we all got juice except Neetu who ordered herself wine. As the night went on we had our food. The waiter would come to check on us regularly and at times would start flirting with us. We all just found it funny. It had added to our entertainment, so we had no complaints. By 8 we were leaving the restaurant and waiting for a taxi to take us to Edgware Road. We don't usually go to places like this by ourselves. We always managed to drag along one of our friends who is a guy with us, but it was just us girls this time. There's 5 of us so it should be fine.

Tisha had chosen the shisha lounge, she knew more about these places than any of us. The place was almost like a club inside. The atmosphere was wild. The place was crowded with South Asian and Middle eastern people. As we were entering I could feel a few eyes on us. It made me quite uncomfortable. I held on to Hanifa's hand while making our way to our table. Neetu ordered the flavour of our shisha. While waiting we were all taking in the atmosphere. They were playing RnB music. Me and Hanifa started getting into the mood and were dancing along to the music (while sat down in our seats).

We were all now more comfortable, me and Neetu decided to go up to the bar and get some mocktails for everyone. As we were walking, I accidentally bumped into something hard. It took me back a little.

"Oh! I'm sorry" I said. I kept my head down the whole time. I did not once look at this man. It something that I do naturally. Me and Neetu then walked of. I heard the man saying "Its fine" as we were walking off. Neetu asked my if I was okay and then started laughing.

"Bitch! What's so funny now?" I asked her while she was still laughing.

"Something embarrassing always happens to you and you should've seen the guys face, he just carried on staring at you" she said while her laugh was quietening down.

"Eww, why's the idiot staring at me. Thank god we got away from him as quick as possible. I didn't even look at the guy. Idiot came in my way" I replied. I was clearly annoyed with this man now.

"And yet you're the one that said sorry. Hmm my Sadu you're not as hard as you make out to be" Neetu said while grabbing my cheeks.

"Whatever" I mumbled as I brushed off her hand from my face.

We had gotten out drinks and we're back at the table. The rest of the night went really well. The other girls also had a good laugh over what had happened after Neetu told them the exaggerated version. A few guys had also come up to us trying to get our numbers or join us at our table. Hanifa and Tisha gave their numbers to a few guys but that was it. We left around 1.30 and immediately fell asleep as soon as our head hit the pillow. We were all very tired.

The next morning...

I heard ringing coming from somewhere close by. I opened my eyes and realised it was my mum calling.

"Helloo" I answered in a husky tired voice.

'"Assalamulaikum, are you still asleep?" My mum replied.

"Hmm why? What's the time?" I asked in confusion as to why she was so shocked.

"It's 11! What time are you planning on going shopping?"

"Oh ermm we were all tired and forgot to put the alarm on. I'll wake everyone up and get the ready". The phone call with my mum went on for another 5 minutes. She always has to check up on her kids. It's not that she didn't trust us, she just worried too much. We don't go away from her too often.

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