Seperation of the Soldeirs

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Chapter 34 Separation of the Soldiers

Soldier Waters POV

This fight is never going to end! I'm already getting tired. "This is a joke. Let's just end this already." I said in between breaths.

"How about a little bit of fun?" A voice echoed. We looked around and saw Shade floating above us.

He snapped his fingers and Soldier Love and I fell through the same portal and Soldier Fire, Soldier Electricity and the others fell through various different portals.

"Good luck Soldiers." Shade taunted and everything turned black for a split second. I shut my eyes and there was a bright light through my closed eye lids.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around confused. There was stars everywhere and I think it was because we were... in outer space.

"Look! The earth is over there!" Soldier Love pointed to the planet.

"If I did my homework correctly, then we must be on Mars!" I said shocked.

"Mars?! What the hell?" Soldier Love asked not believing my words.

Suddenly the ground started to shake and Soldier Love and I fell to the ground. "What's going on?!" I asked afraid. "Look!" Soldier Love pointed.

I looked to where she was pointing and gasped. Alien spaceships were heading straight towards us. There was various pillars of light right under every ship.

So that's what they use to kidnap people. "We aren't going to give up without a fight!" Soldier Love said. "That's right! Let's do this together!" I agreed.

"Bubble..." I began as I held out my hands and bubbles appeared. I twirled like a ballerina and pointed towards the enemy.

"Blast!!!" I yelled and dozens of bubbles flew at the spaceships. The bubbles attached onto the windows and completely covered their view.

"Let's try that again!" I smirked and ran towards one of the pillars of light. I went under it and looked up. "Bubble Blast!!" I yelled sending dozens of bubbles up and into the ship.

Seconds passed and the ship came crashing down to the ground. "That's the way to do it!" Soldier Love smirked.

She spun her hand in circles in the air and a golden whip appeared as she blew a kiss to the end of the whip attaching a pink heart to it.

"Rainbow Love Whip!" She yelled as she swung the whip at the enemy.

It wrapped around the huge spaceship and and smashed it down onto some rocks nearby. "Amazing sister!" I cheered.

I held out my index finger and spun slowly leaving a trail of water behind everywhere my finger went. I made a complete spin and the trail of water glowed and it turned into a ring of water. I grabbed it and I slowly rose it above me and I twirled three times and faced the enemy. "Aqua Ring..."

"Binding!!!" I finished throwing the ring like a Frisbee. It wrapped around the entire ship and exploded making it crash onto the planet as well.

"Woah! Your strong!" Soldier Love said amazed.

"I know." I winked. All of a sudden more ships started to appear. "This doesn't look too good." I said. Soldier Love nodded.

Suddenly smaller versions of the strange pods came out from the pillar of light and advanced towards us.

"At times like these, there is only one thing to do." I said. "What's that?" Soldier Love asked. "Run!!!!" I screamed speeding off.

"What the heck! Wait for me!" Soldier Love said chasing after me.

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