C h a p t e r • 1

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Chapter 1- The Soldier of Magic and Illusion.

Paul's POV

My alarm clock blared and I instantly smacked my hand down on the annoying reminder for the worst part of the day.

"Well, at least it's almost Friday." I said thinking about it positively. I dragged myself out of bed and grumpily made my way to the bathroom for a shower.

Once I was finished I stepped out and dried myself then quickly changed into dry, clean clothes. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I then went downstairs and saw breakfast sitting on the table.

"Wow! This looks splendid!" I commented out loud and immediately began to devour the amazing food.

"Honey, slow down. You could end up choking." My mom told me while gently laughing.

"Sorry mom." I smiled and slowed down.

"Won't the bus be here any moment?" She suddenly asked. I gasped and ran for my bag. "Bye mom!" I said slamming the door on my way out and rushing towards the pick up spot.

Turns out the bus was taking longer than usual.
I kept waiting patiently for the bus to show up as I waited in the freezing weather.

'I swear if the bus doesn't hurry up I'm going to walk all the way to school.' I thought to myself, growing impatient.

The bus finally came into view.

I breathed a sigh of relief. 'Thank God.' I thought.

The bus pulled over in front of me, the creaky doors swinging open. I eagerly climbed the three steps, the loud noise of chatter ringing in my ears.

On the bright side, it was pretty warm in here.

"Paul!! Get your ass over here!!" I heard my best friend Emily yell halfway from the aisle. I walked over to where Emily and her sister, Leslie sat. I plopped down on the empty seat across from theirs.

"What's with the pale face?" Emily asked, leaning her head against the front seat to look over at me.

"It was just because I waited to long in this frosty weather." I said trying my best not to show my chattering teeth. I set my backpack beside me as the bus began to pull away from my house.

"Hey Paul!!" Leslie greeted politely. I swear this girl is always in a good mood bright and early. I wonder how she does it?

"Hey Leslie, how have you been?" I asked, a random scrunched up paper ball flying over my head and landing in the front seats.

"Good, but Emily ate shit down the stairs trying to walk in heels this morning." Leslie stated, trying to hold in her laughter.

Emily opened her mouth to retaliate, but she simply slapped Leslie on the arm.I tried my best not to laugh, but I ended up doing it anyway.

"Be quiet!" Emily huffed, turning her head towards the window.

After a few minutes we finally made it to the school. The bus pulled over at the back gate, with everyone standing up and shoving their way down the crammed aisle. The girls and I simply waited for the front mass to get off so we wouldn't have to struggle.

"What the heck? We just got here!" I complained, sighing loudly to voice my frustration at the sound of the morning bell.

"I know right? That's not fair!" Emily agreed. The walk to our class wasn't far, as it was the nearest building to us. We could already see our two friends, Esteban and Alejandra waiting in line at the front of the class.

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