Esteban, Soldier Electricity

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Esteban's outfit above

Chapter 11 Esteban, Soldier Electricity 

Paul's POV

"No you guys don't have to do that!" I said trying to reason with them.

"Nonsense!! You guys always leave us out of all your vacations!!" Esteban said sounding strict.

Emily and I looked at each other nervously. Now this was a real problem. We didn't want Esteban or Alejandra to come with us because we were going to destroy a monster.

"Nah, sorry I can't go because I have to go on a family trip." Alejandra said.

Emily and I sighed in relief. Well if Ale left that means Shorty would want to go too. But that wasn't the case this time.

"Okay bye Ale!" Shorty said. I made that horrified look like in the anime.

"Okay let's go!" Shorty said dragging us toward the car. We didn't know how to drive well, but Shorty was an expert.

On our way Emily and I ended up falling asleep but after a huge jump on the road we woke up. Luckily we woke up exactly when we got to LA.

I jumped up startled and shook Emily awake. Cynthia told us that the monster was tracking us down. So when we got to LA that we had to immediately search like spies.

Well that wasn't a problem for me but for Emily and Shorty... Not exactly an easy task.

"Okay! What do you guys want to do?" Esteban asked.

"Um... Walk around?" I requested. That was all Shorty needed to hear and he hopped out of the car and waited patiently for us to get out as well.

We hesitatingly stepped out of the car and walked casually. Like any ordinary person would do.

That is until we walked past a man that had an evil aura surrounding him. Emily and I looked uneasy when the man started following us.

I walked faster dragging Esteban and Emily away into a nearby abandoned store.

The strange man followed all of us inside and I held up my hand and yelled "Magic Illusion! Transform!!"

I floated and transformed into my Soldier form. Emily also did the same as me.

"What's going on here?" Esteban asked confused.

The man slowly transformed into a red monster with green horns. Emily made a disgusted sound.

The monster opened it's mouth and flames shot out towards us.

"Mirror Reflection!!" I yelled and a huge mirror appeared in front of us and the flames bounced back.

The monster saw the flames coming and it jumped out the way.

"I'll give it a shot." Emily said. "Bubble..." She started and spun around twice and held a foot in the air almost like a ballerina. "Blast!!" She finished and the dozen bubbles flew to the monster.

The monster dodged all of them with it's immense speed.

"Now what? That things too fast!!" I said.

Esteban stepped forward and held a hand in the air. "Lightning Sparks! Transform!!" He yelled and he started to float. My jaw dropped. Emily's jaw dropped.

He was a soldier too?!

Esteban spun three times and the background turned black. Lightning flashed and his yellow boxers and yellow socks appeared. The background turned white and yellow ribbons wrapped around his body forming his suit. "I am the Soldier of Electricity at your service!" He said.

"Wait when did this happen?" I asked confused.

"I don't really know a girl named Cynthia told me I was a Sacred Soldier like you guys, and she sent me to come with you guys. She told me to transform when you needed help." He explained.

"Exploding..." He said holding a finger in the air and it started sparking. "Voltage!!" He finished and pointed a finger toward the enemy. A long ray of electricity flew at the enemy at an extraordinary speed. It hit the enemy full on. When it landed on the enemy it expanded all over it's body making immense pain.

"Curse you!!" It's voice echoed before it burst into flames. "Yeah!!" I yelled and we all gave each other a high five.
"He He He..." An evil voice boomed. We all were startled and looked around.

A ring of darkness appeared and out stepped a man wearing dark armour.

"Who are you?!" Emily demanded.

"My names Krypton. A special soldier that sends monsters to kill you. I am a part of the Shadow Kingdom." He told us his unusual deep black eyes looking at each one of us.

"Oh then that makes you our enemy!!" I said.

"Yeah and your going to pay!" Emily said.

"Scorching Shards!" I said throwing my shards at him. He disappeared before my shards could hit him.

"Oh no, he got away!" Esteban said.

"Yeah, but we must go back home now..." I said and they nodded. We all walked off towards the sunset.

Somewhere in the Shadow Kingdom

"Oh, so your saying that there is another soldier?" A dark voice asked.

Krypton bowed and nodded. "Yes there is a total of 3 soldiers now."

The man sitting on the throne smiled evilly. "You must think of a plan to kill all the soldiers. Especially the Soldier of Magic, that boy has some hidden powers that might even defeat me." He said glaring at nothing in particular.

Krypton bowed and a shadow ring appeared around him making him disappear.

No one... Can ever find out the truth.

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