C h a p t e r • 2

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Chapter 2- The Abandoned School Building.

Paul's POV

"So...Emily, why don't you like Aponi and Kylie?" Alejandra asked, trying to start a conversation. Honestly, at what point in her brain did she decide this was a good topic?

This is most definitely not going to turn out good. I turned to see Emily already with an aggravated expression.

"I don't know, okay?! I just don't like them!!" She yelled out angrily. I tapped my foot lightly, wanting to say something witty but I kept my mouth shut.

After half an hour, our teacher Mrs. Fernandez, finally came into view. She swiftly walked to the door and unlocked it, letting us pour inside like wild animals.

"Good morning, Mrs. Fernandez." Esteban spoke politely. Since when was this guy polite?

"Good morning Esteban." She responded, offering a warm smile as he went inside the classroom.

We all sat down at our appropriate seats. Emily, Alejandra, Esteban, and I all sat together. Perfectly convenient since there was four desks per group.

"Anyways, Emily are you going to the Winter Formal Dance tomorrow?" I suddenly brought up the question out of the blue.

She shrugged. "I don't know, maybe." She answered. Her response didn't seem too positive so I was leaning more towards no.

"Oh, come on you aren't going to leave your boyfriend hanging are you?" Alejandra teased,  nudged her slightly.

"Emily, you have a boyfriend?!" Esteban raised his eyebrows, a look of pure surprise etched onto his face.

"You didn't know?" I asked, also surprised.

He shook his head to me before turning his attention back to Emily. "So, who is it?" Esteban asked curiously. Since I knew who she was referring to, I thought I could save her the trouble and do this for her.

"I will show you outside." I told him, making him squint at my direction but nodding along contently.

We got our supplies out and took our backpacks to the back of the classroom. It was a policy of the school since everyone would try to sneakily eat snacks or use their phones with their backpacks.

We had a test today. Yay! Note the sarcasm.

I was actually the smart out of all of us. I was the adventurous, caring, and nerd of the group.

Emily was the fighter. She didn't let anyone talk bad about her or her friends without getting away with it. She also liked to read, just like me.

Esteban was the comedian. He was funny and a total goofball in class.He stood up with us at all times.

Alejandra was the outgoing girl. She didn't care what people said about her. Unless they were good compliments. She also made sure to involve everyone in the activities or conversations.

I was keeping a very ginormous secret from all of my friends, nobody knew of it. Except for myself of course.

I mean, we are all close friends but this secret was too dangerous to even speak of.

I am secretly, a superhero.

There are reports of various attacks in this specific school so it's my duty to protect the students and teachers that attend here on a daily basis.

Someday I will tell Alejandra, Emily, and Esteban. Hopefully individually.

But I don't think I will do it unless it's absolutely necessary. I know I can trust them but— something is a little iffy.

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