Beyond the Horizon

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Chapter 31 Beyond the Horizon

Emily's POV

This guy was too strong, even for me. I took in deep breaths. I was starting to lose my stamina. I clutched my chest in pain. It burns.

Every time I breathe in, it feels like it's burning. "Aw, what's wrong princess? Giving up already." Ladarius taunted.

"I told you, I'm not your princess." I growled. "And there's no way in hell I'm about to give up."

He laughed. "Oh, how cute! You actually think you can beat me?" He asked smirking.

"I know I can beat you." I smiled. He stared at me curiously.

"Bubble..." I began as I held out my hands and bubbles appeared. I spun around like a ballerina and pointed at the enemy.

"Blast!!!" I finished as a ray of bubbles flew at him.

"If you think this is going to beat me. Think again." He said and jumped over them. He turned in my direction but I was already in his face.

I kicked him and he slid across the ground.

"Aqua Summoning!!" I yelled stomping my foot creating a small whirlpool at my feet and then water dolphins smashed into the enemy.

Ladarius yelled in pain and was knocked back into a small swamp. I turned around and faced Willie.

I held out my index finger and spun slowly leaving a trail of water behind everywhere my finger went. I made a complete spin and the trail of water glowed and it turned into a ring of water. I grabbed it and I slowly rose it above me and I twirled three times and faced the enemy. "Aqua Ring..."

"Binding!!!" I finished throwing it like a Frisbee.

It surrounded Willie trapping him in a globe of water which then exploded making him get on one knee in pain.

"Burning Sun Ball!!" Soldier Fire yelled throwing a ball of fire towards Willie which hit him in the stomach and knocked him into a tree.

"Sparkling Ember Crystal!!" Soldier Fire yelled shooting a blast of flame from her crystal.

It hit Ari and she screamed. "Shocking Windfall!!" Soldier Electricity yelled making a huge thunderbolt land on Ari. She fell on the ground trying to catch her breath.

"Hey, you okay?" Ladarius asked Ari worriedly. She nodded slowly. Willie joined them and he held his arm in pain.

"How about we finish them off with a little teamwork?" I asked the soldiers.

"Yeah!" They agreed and I smirked.

We held hands and let power surge through us. We glowed white.

"Ribbon... Aqua..." I began and danced around and ribbons of water trailed behind me. They all combined into my cupped hands and I pointed my arms to the enemy.

"Submerge!!" I finished and a huge blast of water shot out of my hands.

"Sacred..." Soldier Electricity began as he brought his hands together and electricity sparked. He pointed his hands towards the enemy.

"Thunderbolt!!!" He yelled and shot bolts of lighting out of his hands.

"Volcanic... Love..." Soldier Fire began and spun around leaving trails of flame. She stopped and aimed her arms towards the enemy.

"Burst!!!" She finished and bursts of flame shot out of her palms.

The attacks combined creating a beam of a deep black color with a pale glow to it.

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