C h a p t e r - 4

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Chapter 4- A Secret Revealed.

Emily's POV

I sighed audibly, climbing inside the bus and I shrugged off my backpack as I sat down next to Paul.

"You don't look excited for this trip." Paul pointed out whilst also looking bored.

"I'm not, we're just going to LA." I replied bringing out my phone to listen to some music. Plugging my earphones in, I nonchalantly scrolled through my playlists to see which one I was in the mood for.

"You have a point." He mumbled in reply and gazed out the window.

Then it randomly dawned on me, something of utmost importance. "Hey... Can I ask something important?"

"Important like... what?" He asked curiously.

"How come you've been acting weird lately? I mean, last time you left dashing to the office without a word, then you suddenly go to the bathroom? And I know how much you hate public restrooms. Then you worry about math class? That's so unlike you." I said thinking back to all those times he had acted strange.

"Oh um, well first of all, the office incident I had to turn in a note which was super important, for the restroom I had forgotten to go in the morning, and lastly I need to get my grades up in order to graduate!" He explained.

Normally, I wouldn't just drop a subject like this so easily, but everything made logical sense. Maybe he was telling the truth after all.

With that thought in mind, I jammed my earbuds into my ears and played the most recent playlist, resting my head against the seat while the bus continued to move forward.


"Yes!! We're finally here!!" Paul hollered out cheerfully and jumped out the top step of the bus stairs, landing gracefully in the process.

The only thing I could do was stare,  flabbergasted.

Can anyone even do that? Not that I know of.

"Okay class, there are all sorts of locations here like shops and cinemas,  you can go wherever you please!" Mrs. Rodriguez informed us beforehand.

The entirety of the class did a small cheer, the excitement of some freedom becoming very apparent.

"However you have to be back at the bus by 4:00 p.m. understand?" She raised her eyebrow at us, waiting for an answer. The class simultaneously let out some words or noises of comprehension.

She was content with our answers, "Okay!! Have fun!!" Her voice rang loudly and almost everybody scattered like wild rats.

I grabbed Paul's sleeve and dragged him to a nearby store."Hold up! Where are we going?" He asked, afraid of the answer I was going to give him.

"We're going on a shopping spree!!" I replied enthusiastically. Much to his relief, cause Paul actually enjoyed shopping. It was one of the few things he was actually willing to do.

Unfortunately for us, we never noticed the three pairs of eyes watching our every move.


The school gave each of us $500 to spend and with Paul here that made $1000 in total. Lucky us!! Suddenly a vibration in my pocket caught my attention.

"Excuse me Paul someone is calling me, I'll​ be right back." I told him as I walked out.

Once I was at a reasonable distance from all the loud noises, I answered the phone call. Unbeknownst to me, I ended up walking into a dark alleyway. Which in theory, would explain why it sounded like all the sounds faded off into the background.

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