Viktor's and Yuuri's REAL First Encounter

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 (I know this is cliche but I couldn't help it oops. Besides, I thought it would be great for my story so yeee)


   Before he met Yuuri, before he started this whole 'Icarus' project started, it was nothing but an ordinary, tedious university student. Of course, being a university student, there was a shit amount of studying, and partying. The party was crazy and wild, the music was so loud to the point where his skin tingled and his organs felt like mush. It was as if the thumping sensation didn't come from the speakers, but the heartbeats of everyone in the club. Viktor was filled with music from head to toe, but he didn't mind. Over the clamor of the music, he could hear distant chatter from his peers. He couldn't tell what they were talking about, the only thing he heard was laughter. The music got louder and Viktor decided to join his friends in drinking and talking like they were buddies since high school.

   A few hours later, Viktor found himself alone, leaning against the wall, his foot tapping along to the feet whilst drinking from his red, cold cup of beer. Viktor was not a big fan of drinking, but they didn't have anything else so he decided to just drink it. However, it wasn't his first time. Viktor's peers dispersed throughout the club, it was as if they had forgotten about it, but he didn't mind, he never liked them anyway. He made sure that none of his friends were in sight before escpaing from the suffocating crowd and walking out the door with a gasp of fresh air. Viktor felt like he wasn't breathing the whole time he was in the club. 

   Even though Viktor was a somewhat social person, he never liked parties, especially those in clubs and bars. The only reaso why he decided to come to this one was because of his friend Chris. One of his other friends,  Jean-Jacques Leroy (or JJ), had recently got dumped by his now ex-girlfriend, and of course Chris pitied the man, so he got other friends, including Viktor, to make him feel better. He seemed fine now though, so Viktor thought that it was okay to just leave or at least be out here. Viktor dumped his cup in the nearest trash can and sat down on one of the benches nearby. He inhaled the city night air, the pitch-black curtains draped over them as the luminous stars decorated it, filling it with life. Viktor had always liked looking at them, stars were proof that the sky is so vast and that there was so much out there waiting to explore.

"Hey um is this seat taken?"

Viktor turned around to see a man with messy black hair, standing there waiting for an answer. His eyes were as brown as chocolates and he wore half-rimmed blue glasses that covered them, which Viktor found slightly odd since most people would've got contact lenses by now.

"Um nope, it's free," Viktor answered, still staring at him.

"Oh mind if I join you?" The stranger asked.

"Don't mind at all," Viktor scooted away to give him space.

"Thanks," the stranger said as he sat down.

The silence was uncomfortable and Viktor wanted to get out as soon as he saw the guy, but he didn't since he felt that it was rude to do so. So here he was, sitting next to a pretty handsome stranger.

"So what brings you out here? If you don't mind asking?" Viktor asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh well um there was a party, but I'm not a big fan of parties so here I am," explained the stranger, "Trust me, I tried to come up with excuses but I felt bad for lying so I went anyways," he looked at Viktor, "How about you?"

"Same story here, believe it or not," Viktor replied, smiling slightly.

"Really?" he asked.

Viktor nodded, "Yup, what a coincidence."

"Yup," the stranger looked up at the sky, "The sky is pretty isn't it? Just a perfect time of thinking you know?"

Viktor nodded in agreement, "Yeah most of the thoughts I have come around this time of night."

"What do you usually think about?" the stranger asked, "If you don't mind me asking, if you don't want to answer that's fine."

"No it's okay," replied Viktor, "Well besides my studes, lately I've been thinking about starting a website."

"Oh what kind of website?"

"A website for helping people. I've seen a lot of people have problems they struggle with and, to be honest, I want to help them. I've love helping people for a long time and I thought making a website would be a great way for me to help people not only here but all over the world," Viktor explained.

"Wow sounds interesting," was all the stranger said.

"Yeah, but the problem is that I don't think anyone would use it. I don't think nyone would email me and such so I just thought 'what's the point?' It's not like anyone wants to talk to a stranger about their problems anyway."

"But that's what you're doing now and it seems fine to me," the stranger turned to look at him, "If you really want to help people by using a website then do it. There's no one stopping you. You could always promote the website and it's nice to have a person help give useful advice. Besides, as long as you give valuable advice to people, trust me a lot of people will definitely use that website."

"What if they're not valuable nor helpful? What do I do then?" Viktor asked.

"You never know unless you try," responded the stranger, "Besides these type of things take time. No celebrity becomes famous over night. You just need to take a little risk, if you don't you're going to end up stuck, not moving, not living, just existing like everyone else."

Viktor thought about this, what the stranger said was true, "Hm you have a good point there."

"Even though there are a lot of websites like that, I'm sure yours will go great. I have a good feeling about it," he checked the time on his phone and stood up so fast Viktor could've sworn that he almost fell over, "It's so late, I have to get back home!" He turned to Viktor, "Sorry for intruding earlier and I hope my advice helped, bye!"

 He ran off before Viktor could say another word to him. He watched as the stranger became further and further from his reach before he disappeared completely from his view. Viktor turned and looked up at the sky, thinking about what he had said to him. His words echoed in his mind, the event replayed in his brain as he walked home and turned on his laptop where "Icarus" was born.


Hi guys!!!!!!!!!!! So this is the end of the story. I might add Bonus Chapters and Behind The Scenes, I'm not sure yet (but if you want me to just comment, I don't bite) so yeah hoped you guys liked and enjoyd it bye!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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