Chapter 20: Secrets Hidden In The Sunset

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   "Wow, the colors  in the sunset are so pretty," she said.

"They're not colors," he said, his eyes lost in the colors of the sunset, "They're more like symbols in my opinion. The colors you're seeing right now represents the good that tomorrow could bring, but later on those colors would be hidden within the dark despair of the night which represents the suffering tomorrow could bring too. As you can see, there's never a day where everything just goes your way. There's never a day where everything is just perfect."


   Yuuri and Viktor arrived at the beach Yuuri always liked to go to when he wanted to be alone, since it's not so far from campus, after all, and very little people go there, so they had the whole place to themselves. The sky was painted different shades of pink and orange, with a tad bit of purple. The sun was hidden in the clouds and the sound of people and vehicles was replaced by the sound of the sea, washing onto shore. The place was quiet and peaceful.

Not only that, it was...


Yuuri looked at Viktor, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Viktor nodded, "Yeah it is," he turned to look at Yuuri, "Great, now I'm jealous, you get to live near such a rare, peaceful place, you should be grateful."

"I am," Yuuri gave him a light smile, "You know, this was actually the place where I read your email."

Viktor's eyes widened, "Really?"

Yuuri nodded, "I woke up earlier than usual and needed some fresh air so I came here and received your email later on."

"Oh, that's cool," Viktor replied, "Must be a nice place to read no?"

"Yeah it is, it's also a good place to just think, clear your head and what not," Yuuri sighed, "You know what this reminds me of?"

"What?" Viktor asked, looking at Yuuri.

"This whole scenery reminds me of one of your stories on your website. The one about how the colors are symbols," Yuuri answered.

"Ohhhhh that one! I remember writing that one, it was around two in the morning when I was done writing it," Viktor said, looking at the sunset again.

"Yeah that kind of made me cry, I just felt so sorry for the guy, but overall it was one of my favorites," Yuuri admitted.

Viktor looked at him again, "Really?"

Yuuri nodded, without looking at Viktor, "Even though I'm not a big fan of Literature or English or those type of subjects, but I really like your writings Viktor," Yuuri felt Viktor's eyes burning onto him, "I love them."


"Well you are a talented writer, after all," Yuuri replied, feeling himself blush, hoping Viktor wouldn't noticed.

"YUURI! MY HEART CAN'T HANDLE YOUR CUTENESS!," Viktor said as he pulled away and hid his face behind his hands.

"V-V-V-VIKTOR!" Yuuri felt himself blush even more, "I'm not cute!"

"Yes you are," Viktor replied, looking at him with a smirk.

"No I'm not," Yuuri said looking away.

"You are."




"Fine you're not," Viktor said, putting his hands up, "You're much more than that, Yuuri."

This made Yuuri shut up and looked away from Viktor again, making the sunset his distraction as he tried to keep his heart from leaping into the sea.

"Hey Viktor, I have a question."

Viktor hummed in response.

Yuuri made himself looked at Viktor, who was as pulchritudinous as the scenery before them, "You have a lot of fans. You helped tons of people, but with only one email and that's it. Out of all of the people you could've chose to hang out with or to have moments like these, why did you choose me?"

Viktor was silent for a minute before he said, "You know, people choose words when they speak or write, especially write. Well, I believe that the words that a person chooses to use, says a lot about the person, don't you?"

Yuuri looked at him, slight confused, but Viktor ignored it and continued, "Your words interested me Yuuri, so did your story. You're different from the others in the sea of emails I had. Most people ask these days are "I have a crush on this person" or "I'm in a fight with my best friend" and whatnot. It was like reading the same story over and over again, until I saw yours. So I really wanted to get to know you better so, I offered looking out for you on LINE just so I have an excuse to talk to you. And I was right, you are an interesting person Yuuri, you're extraordinary. You stand out even when you try to blend in. You were sad, but out of all the blues, yours stood out the most."

Yuuri was speechless. He felt like thanking him wouldn't be enough, so he said the only thing he could think of, "You stand out too Viktor, and it's not because of your looks. You're different, I could tell that you know that yourself judging from the way you act. Anyways, when you first study astronomy, you think that all stars look the same, but once you study about them or learn details about them, you could at least tell one of them apart from the others. I guess, that was how meeting you was like."


Yuuri felt Viktor's hand rest onto of his, "You really are something huh."

"I guess you could say that," thanks to the skies, it was hard to see how hard Yuuri was blushing.

Viktor looked back at the sky, "This, by far, is the best day I've ever had. You know when you have those days where you feel like you stopped existing and finally started living?"

Yuuri nodded in response.

"Well that was today for me so Yuuri, thank you for maybe not only for this wonderful day, but this wonderful world you have shown me too."

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