Chapter 18: The Day

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   Yuuri woke up and stared at the ceiling, at the same spot he stared at when he first moved in, when he was too nervous to sleep for his first day of school, when he found out about his dog's death, nights he couldn't sleep, and many more. It was as if the ceiling was just watching Yuuri's life through his eyes every time he stared at it. This time, however, when he stared at it, it wasn't because something horrible has happened, but rather the opposite.

Today was the day he was finally going to meet Icarus, actually talking to him rather than typing whatever he wanted to say.

He thought about their conversation last night.


"But how would I know it's you? I don't even know how you look like," Yuuri said as he laid on his bed after pacing back and forth.

"You would know," replied Icarus, "besides I know how you look like so that would make your job easier."

"Ah right, I forgot," Yuuri yawned.

"Tired?" Icarus asked.

"Very," answered Yuuri, "Long day of classes today."

"I could tell," he heard Icarus smile, "Are you excited?"

"YEAH VERY," Yuuri covered his mouth, realizing that he said it too loud. He cleared his throat, "I mean um yeah yeah I am!"

Icarus laughed, "God, you're adorable. And same here."

Yuuri felt a blush spread across his face, "So what do you want to do? For tomorrow I mean."

"Hmmm well I don't really know, you decide. You will be the one to plan, surprise me," Icarus replied.

"Seriously? I'm not good with stuff like that, and you know it," Yuuri said, looking out of his window.

"Yeah I know, which is why I can't wait for your plans for tomorrow," Icarus replied.

"Weirdo," Yuuri called him.

"Aw come on, you know you love me," responded Icarus.

"Yeah yeah sure," was all Yuuri said.

"YAY! SO YOU DO LOVE ME!" Icarus exclaimed.

Yuuri couldn't help but chuckle, Now you're the one being adorable, he thought. 

After a few minutes of silence, Yuuri broke it, "I can't believe I'm meeting you tomorrow."

"Same, it's my first time meeting a close internet friend and such," Icarus admitted.

"Really? I thought you've met a lot by now," Yuuri replied.

"Nah, you see, I've never been this close to someone before, both on the internet and in real life, so getting out of bed just to see you would be worth," Icarus explained.

"You're not the only one who feels that way," Yuuri replied, a soft smile painted on his lips.

Both of them spent the rest of the night, exchanging stories and deep thoughts until the two felt tired and went to sleep.


   Yuuri decided to wear something simple, a baseball tee with blue sleeves that reached until his elbows and a pair of black jeans with his favorite old, white Converse sneakers. He grabbed his phone off his nightstand, his bag and hoodie from his bed, checking whether he forgot anything before leaving his room, locking the door, then heading to the elevator. Nothing changed when Yuuri was out in the city, there was still that mixture of scents, carbon monoxide that seemed to replace the oxygen, and the murmurs of people that were churned out by engines from different vehicles. Yuuri blended in with the crowd as he walked to their meeting place which was a cafe hidden in a corner of some street Yuuri recognized. Yuuri received messages from Icarus saying that he was already there. He sped up his pace so Icarus won't have to wait any longer.

    A bell rung when Yuuri entered. The smell of coffee was the first thing Yuuri noticed when he walked in. The scent infiltrated his nose as he looked around. Pictures of plants and skies filled the walls with life, they stood out since they laid on the dull wallpaper. The cafe wasn't that busy, only two people were at the counter, taking someone's order, and there were only five people overall. Yuuri looked around, but since he didn't know how Icarus looked like he went to order.

"He's here, I know he is, but which one is he? He could be anyone," Yuuri thought as he ordered and waited for his order.

Everyone looked the same, dark colored hair with dark colored eyes, except one who was sitting by the window. His chin resting on his palm and his eyes lingering out of the window, lost in thought.

"Could that be him?" Yuuri thought as his order was done. He thanked them and went to look for the seat, "Maybe if I just said 'Icarus' I would know who it is. The person whose head turn, is Icarus."

He cleared his throat, "Icarus, where are you?"

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