Chapter 19: There He Stood

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   "Oh hi Yuuri! I'm over here, on your right."

Yuuri turned towards his right, where his eyes landed on the guy who was staring out of the window, the one who stood out from the rest. This time, Yuuri took his time and inhaled all of the details. The man wore dark blue jeans and a black sweater, the sleeves reached until his wrist, with sneakers. He had short, grey hair with bangs on the left side, his eyes were as blue as the sky, maybe even brighter than that, but what caught Yuuri's attention was his smile, it was the type of smile that could make anyone's day better, that type of smile that could stay in one's memory for a long time, it was unforgettable.


The man nodded, "Yup that's me, well kind of," he stood up, "My real name is Viktor."

"Viktor huh?" Yuuri thought as Viktor went and hugged him.

"It's so good to finally meet you in real life, I've been wanting to do so for so long," Viktor said, embracing Yuuri.

Yuuri hesitated before hugging back, he felt the eyes of the people behind him burning onto his back, but for once he didn't care, "Yeah me too Ica- I mean, Viktor."

Viktor chuckled as he pulled away and grabbed his things off the table and chair, "Now shall we get going?"


   "HE'S HERE, HE'S HERE, ACTUAL HERE, HIS PRESENCE RIGHT. NEXT. TO. ME," Yuuri thought as they walked out of the cafe and onto the sidewalk, their footsteps in sync. Yuuri couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. The man that kind of changed his life was just standing there, right next to him. Not only did he changed Yuuri's life, he bet he changed others too. After all, he was some sort of celebrity on the internet, according to his friends at least. Plus, Viktor was incredibly handsome.

"How's your family?" Viktor asked, looking at Yuuri.

"Oh they're doing fine, better than before actually," Yuuri answered, "Thanks for asking, I guess."

"No problem, how's school?" Viktor asked.

"Okay, stressful but I'm handling just fine, compared to that time I emailed you," Yuuri answered with a light smile.

"Well I'm glad," Viktor replied, returning the smile.

Now it was Yuuri's turn to ask the questions, "So how's work? And how's Makkachin?"

"Work is doing just fine, nothing out of the ordinary and Makkachin is still healthy and alive so that's good," Viktor answered, taking a sip from his drink, "I miss Makkachin."

"Yeah, I know, I could tell," Yuuri replied, "So your real name is Viktor huh?"

Viktor nodded, "Yup!"

Yuuri couldn't help but smile even more which earned him a questioning look from Viktor, "Why? What's with that face?"

"Nothing, nothing," answered Yuuri, "I just thought your name would be a common name like Micheal or Chris or something."

Viktor laughed, "Ah I see."

"Which reminds me, how's Chris?" Yuuri asked.

"He's okay, as usual, still saying weird stuff at work next door though," Viktor cringed, "It was just so weird."

"What kind of weird stuff does he said?" Yuuri looked at Viktor, "You never told me."

Viktor's eyes winded, "You. Don't. Want. To. Know. Trust me."

Yuuri puts up his hand in surrender, "Alright you win."

"Good," responded Viktor with a small smile.

"Actually, to be honest,  thought you had brown hair and brown or green eyes," Yuuri admitted, "But turns out I was completely wrong."

Viktor laughed again, "Well at least you tried. I appreciate the effort."

"Also I was not expecting such a strong accent," Yuuri said,

"Do I have an accent? Wow, I never noticed," Viktor admitted.

"Well now you know," Yuuri chuckled lightly as they turned down the corner.

"You know," Viktor said, breaking the silence between them, "I never been to this part before, why not give me a tour Yuuri?"

Yuuri was stunned by the sudden request, but in the end decided to so since he couldn't resist those vivid blue eyes and that heart-shaped smile, "Yeah I can give you a tour."


Yuuri held out his hand, "But you need to pay two thousand yen per minute thatnks."

"You're insane!"

In the end, they found themselved laughing at the lame joked there were making.

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