Chapter 21: The Next Day

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   "Icarus looked really ridiculous when he played Dance Revolution," Yuuri said as he and Phichit walked to their next class. Yuuri decided to use the name "Icarus" whenever he talked about Viktor to other people. After all, Yuuri knew he would want to keep his identity a secret from other people.

Phichit chuckled lightly, "I bet he was."

"And you should've seen his face when he first tried katsudon," Yuuri smiled even more, "It was so adorable."

"Oh my God you're so in love," Phichit mumbled.

"What?" Yuuri looked at Phichit.

"Oh nothing," Phichit replied in a slightly singing tone.

Yuuri squinted at hime before he looked away, facing forward.

"Hey Yuuri just out of curiosity-"

Yuuri cuts him off, "I'm not telling you his real name."

"That's not what I was about to ask, I was about to ask something else," Phichit shook his head, "How rude to suddenly interrupt!"

"Ah sorry!" Yuuri apologized, "It's just Guang Hong as been begging me to tell him his real name at least. So I thought you were going to do the same, or at least something similar."

"Oh Guang Hong," Phichit sighed, "Why am I not surprised? Anyways, I was going to ask how Icarus was like? I mean you've been talking to him for a long time, you guys are really, REALLY close. So how was he in real life? How was it like to be with him in real life?"

Yuuri thought about it for a minute. Viktor was too unique to use simple words such as "good" to describe. That was what made Viktor so hard to describe to people, he was too remarkable, "Hmmm that's kind of hard."

"It's okay, take your time," was all Phichit said.

Yuuri thought about it even more. Viktor could probably describe him in a heartbeat, but Yuuri would have to take years or maybe even decades. Then he decided that he was going to tell Phichit how Viktor was the only way he knew how.

"His eyes were the most beautiful starry eyes I have ever seen and his mind was just filled with galaxies and universes he somehow manufactured into words."

Phichit stared at him, speechless and in awe. They've been friends for years, yet this was the first time Phichit has ever heard Yuuri describe a person like that. Usually he would've used mediocre words such as "okay" or good." Phichit couldn't help but smile, "So my best friend has finally found someone huh?"

"I hope I can meet him one day," Phichit  replied, looking up, "he seems like one interesting guy."

Yuuri smiled back and nodded, "Yeah, he is. He's one of those people from books. The ones that people dream of."

They went silent, but it wasn't the awkward type of silence, it was the peaceful and comfortable one.

"Hey, you know I noticed and realized something," Phichit looked at Yuuri.

"Oh really?" Yuuri returned his stare. 

Phichit nodded and looked away, "You're a lot happier than you were before. Heck, you're practically glowing with joy. Plus, you look a lot healthier now. I'm not the only one who notices, Guang Hong and Leo did too. Ever since you talked to Icarus, you became better. With us, you cheered up a bit, but I still noticed you were still a tad but sad. I think Viktor is some sort of catalyst for the chemical reaction for your happiness."

Yuuri looked at him speechless, but then again, he shouldn't be that surprised, after all, Phichit has always been the observant one, "I guess you could put it that way."

Phichit grinned from ear to ear, "I'm glad to see you happy, it warms my heart. Cheesy, but true."

Yuuri returned the grin, "To be honest, I feel like my life is slowly but surely becoming better. So yeah I guess your right."


   "And that was pretty much what Phichit said," Yuuri said, as he opened his book and rested his back against his pillows.

"Wow that's a pretty remarkable observation," responded Viktor, "Well I'm glad that I make you ahppy, this whole time I thought it was the other way around."


"Honestly," Viktor continued, "You make me incredibly happy, extremely happy, I don't even remember being this happy in a long time."

"Viktor..." Yuuri felt his face turning hot, which was how he knew he was blushing.

"I'm glad I started talking to you,"  Viktor admitted.

"Me too Viktor," Yuuri smiled softly, "me too."

Yuuri felt his heart pounding faster. He was sure that he felt happy before, but not this happy. He wasn't just happy because he was just talking to Viktor, but he was happy because he was somehow there with him. He loved when he could hear him smile on the other end, he loved how he would suddenly ask weird or deep questions late at night, he loved how he laughed whenever Yuuri made some lame joke or pun, he loved his writings and how much dediation Viktor put into helping people, he loved the way his hair fell onto his face, loved his blue blue sparkling eyes.

Oh no.

"Oh no." 

"Yuuri are you okay?" Viktor asked.

Yuuri snapped out of his train of thoughts, "Huh? Y-y-yeah I'm fine." He found himself stuttering again.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah I just zoned out that's all," Yuuri explained.

"Are you tired?"

Yuuri shook his head, "No no no no I'm fine! Really!"

Viktor stayed silent for a few seconds before saying, "Alright then, but if you're tired just say so."

They continued their conversation for a while, the thoughts Yuuri had in his head swirling in his mind as he slowly but surely fell for his Icarus.

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