Chapter 12: Adventures in The Arcade

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   The aftermath of the game still stung in their palms, including Yuuri's. Phichit had the highest score among all of them while Leo and Yuuri had the exact same scores, which were the lowest. Phichit and Guang Hong played an intense game, luckily Phichit managed to beat him by two points.

"HECK YEAH WOOOOOO!" Phichit threw his arms up in triumph, "I won!"

"Are you kidding me?" Guang Hong asked as he looked at the scores again, "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?"

"Good job Phichit!" Yuuri exclaimed as he gave Phichit a double high-five whilst Leo tried to comfort Guang Hong.

"So what do you owe me again?" Phichit asked as he smirked.

Guang Hong sighed, "A Starbucks green tea beverage or something," he mumbled.

"YEAH BOIIIIIIII" Phichit smiled widely, his arms up in the air once again.

"So where to now?" Leo asked, looking around.

Guang Hong did the same and gasped as his eyes caught one of the machines, "IT'S A GUDETAMA STUFF TOY!!!"

Yuuri looked at what Guang Hong was pointing at, it was one of those crane machines with stuff toys in it, only extremely lucky people or professionals could actually win the game and get an actual stuff toy. Yuuri has never been lucky with those, but then again most people have never did.

"Guang Hong, I don't think doing it would be such a good idea," Leo said as Guang Hong started dragging him towards it, leaving Yuuri and Phichit no choice but to follow them.

"Aw come on! I feel extremely lucky today, so I'm going to do it," Guang Hong said filled with confidence.

"How on Earth do you feel lucky? You just lost a game with Phichit........bY TWO POINTS!" Leo stated, making Phichit laugh.

Guang Hong inserted a coin and the machine was suddenly alive as the crane was awoken by Guang Hong. Yuuri watched as the crane moved and moved until it was surely on top of one of the Gudetama stuff toys.  

"It's on top of it right? Is it okay?" Guang Hong asked.

Yuuri looked at the right side of the machine through the glass while Phichit looked at the other side, "Yup, it's okay," Yuuri replied.

Phichit nodded in agreement, "Yeah, drop the cane."

Guang Hong hesitated before pressing the button. Everyone watched as the crane slowly dropped above the stuff toy. Yuuri could feel Guang Hong's nervousness as he chewed the finger nails of his fingers. The crane clutched the stuff top with its fingers, and lifted it up.

"Oh my God, maybe I did it," Guang Hong said as his hopes increased even more.

Unfortunately, it slipped through the crane's fingers and feel to the floor, like the apple that dropped onto Newton's head years ago. Yuuri felt it as Guang Hong's hopes left his body.

"It's okay Guang Hong," Leo patted him on the back, "better luck this time."

Yuuri looked around and his eyes caught something he thought was particular. It was a guy, whose black hair was styled in a quiff. He had blue eyes and a lean, tad bit muscular built. Yuuri could have sworn he has seen him before, however he did not recognize any of the people he was with. Before he could ask anyone of them whether he found him familiar too, Phichit smiled and waved his arm as he called what seemed to be his name, "Georgi!"

The stranger turned around and so did his friends, "PhichitS" 

Both of them stated jogging towards each other whilst their friends followed before him.

"Oh hey Georgi, how's life?" Phichit asked slinging his arm around him.

"Pretty okay to be honest," Georgi replied, doing the same.

"Hey guys," Phichit turned to look at Yuuri and the others, "This is one of my best friend Georgi, he's in my drama class."

Georgi nodded, "Yup."

Yuuri had seen him in campus before, which was probably why Yuuri slightly recognized him.

"Hey I'm Georgi," he smiled at all of them, "And these are Otabek, Mila, and Yurio."

"I told you not to call me that!" Yurio exclaimed, glaring at Georgi.

"Why not? It's cute!" Mila explained.

"Shut up hag!" Yurio replied, giving Mila a death glare.

"And this is Yuuri, Leo, and Guang Hong," Phichit introduced to the other group, ignoring Yurio and his comments whatsoever. Yurio stopped glaring and looked at the group and the sound of Yuuri's name.

"Ah Yuuri, I've heard a lot about you," Georgi said, "I'm sorry about what happened.

"Oh it's okay, I'll be okay," Yuuri replied.

"Anyways, what brings you here?" Mila asked.

"Just hanging out like you guys," explained Guang Hong, "We wanted to cheer up-"

"Hey I had an idea!" Georgi exclaimed, "Let's hang out together.

Yurio was about to protest with all of his might and energy stored, but Phichit had already accepted the offer and smiled as he said, "Sure we would love to."

Both of the groups took off, creating this one gooey mess of college (and maybe even high school because of Yurio) teenagers, desperate for something. Yuuri sighed, feeling some sort of intimidating feeling from Yurio as they walked beside each other, on the way to God knows where.

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