Chapter 9: Friends In Need

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   The concept of friendship is funny, it starts with a simple "hello" and small talks, then the next thing you know it, those small talks become deep conversation, then you start to care about them so much. It's funny, because people seem to forget that they were a stranger first, you know. Sometimes, they don't even know how they became friends in the first place, it was like they've been there by their side ever since they were born or since the beginning of time itself.


   After sending his response to Icarus, Yuuri called Phichit to see if he was awake. Phichit answered on the second ring.

"Yuuri? It's early in the morning," Phichit stated with a sleepy voice.

"Sorry Phichit," replied Yuuri, "I was hoping you could join me here down the beach, it's kind of important."

By hearing the word "important," Yuuri noticed Phichit's tone has changed, "Important? Sure I'm coming over, to the beach right? Okay be there in a few minutes."

Before Yuuri could thank him or even reply, Phichit hung up, the sound of waves churning out the silence.


   Phichit arrived later than expected, wearing sweatpants, a t-shirt with a hoodie, and slippers. In his hands were two cups of coffee from Starbucks that Yuuri could smell from far away. Yuuri gave Phichit a light smile when he saw him.

"I was going to ask why you were late," said Yuuri, "but I think I know the answer to that."

Phichit chuckled lightly, "Good morning to you too," he said as he sat next to Yuuri, handing him one of the cups.

"Thanks," Yuuri said as he took the cup from Phichit and took a sip.

"You're welcome," Phichit replied, taking a sip from his cup, "I can't believe I gave up my beauty sleep for you."

"You have indeed made such a noble sacrifice, my friend," Yuuri said, "And for that I thank thee."

"Shut up Sir Smell-a-lot," Phichit responded, pinching his nose.

"No offense Phichit, but that was really lame," Yuuri drank from his coffee.

"Yeah," Phichit smirked, "As lame as you are oHHHHHHHH FEEL THE BURN CUE THE JOHN CENA THEME SONG!!!!" 

This made Yuuri laugh, "Alright you win this round."

"I would like to thank John Cena and the internet for this honour," Phichit replied.

After a few minutes of staring far off the horizon whilst drinking from their cups, Phichit looked at Yuuri and asked, "So why did you ask me to come here?"

"Well I needed to talk to you obviously," Yuuri cleared his throat, "Phichit did I ever open up to you?"

Phichit thought for a minute before shaking his head, "No not really, why?"

Yuuri sighed, "Icarus replied, he suggested that I start opening up to my friends and family, I'm planning to call my parents later, but since you're here, I want to work on opening up to people with you first."

"Ohhh I see," Phichit smiled, "That's great Yuuri, you are my best friend after all. I tell you everything, so it's only fair if you do the same too."

Yuuri nodded in agreement, "Yup, but I don't know where or how to start."

"Maybe you can start with what's making you feel stressed out," Phichit suggested.

"Doesn't seem like a bad idea," Yuuri admitted.

He started telling Phichit what he told Icarus, only with more detail, from ranting to just expressing how he feels in general. Surprisingly, Phichit was a good listener, he didn't interrupt whatsoever. He listened with focus, as if he were in class and Yuuri was a teacher giving out a lecture. After he was done, Phichit was stunned, "Wow Yuuri I didn't know you were going through that much, but I'm glad that you opened up to me at least. Now I know how to help better, now I know what is going through that brain of yours."

"Thank you for listening," Yuuri said, "I thought you would fall asleep by the time I was on my second sentence."

"Nah, I'm not an asshole, besides, this could only be a once in a life thing," Phichit said, sarcastically.

"Ha ha, very funny," Yuuri replied.

"Jusy do me a favor, open up to your friends more would you?" Phichit gave Yuuri a warm smile.

Yuuri smiled back and nodded, "Yeah sure, I still need to work on it though."


   After a long, deep conversation with his family on Skype, he closed his laptop and laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling once again whilst boarding his train of thoughts. Suddenly, he received a notification on his phone. Yuuri yawned as he grabbed his phone from his nightstand and unlocked his phone. It was a LINE notification that read "Icarus123 added you by ID." Yuuri's eyes widened as he went on LINE and saw that he indeed has a new friend on his "friends list." Yuuri pressed "add" instead of the other option "block."

Yuuri was still in shock, "What on Earth does Icarus want with me? Why does he even care?"

Yuuri put his phone away and closed his eyes, nearly falling asleep before he got a new LINE message from none other than the popular Icarus himself.

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