Chapter 16: Months Later

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   If you think about it, soulmates actually do exist...


   It has been months since Icarus and Yuuri first started talking, there wasn't a day where Yuuri doesn't have a conversation with Icarus. They could talk about anything, Yuuri doesn't even remember the last time he had any awkward silence with him like the first they met. It was as if he has been friends with Icarus for years, since kindergarten or grade one. Although he didn't know Icarus's true identity, he did find out a lot of things, like his favorite shows, his favorite food, deep thoughts. Yuuri stopped trying to find out his true identity, because he stopped caring. All he knows was that Icarus was a very good friend, a great, close best friend.

And he hoped that Icarus felt the same too.

It was seven P.M and Yuuri just arrived home after a long day filled with nothing but studying and boring classes. He yawned and went to take a shower, setting his bag and books on his table. The cold water ran down his back and splashed onto his face. Yuuri felt as if he was suddenly awakened after a long, deep sleep. He quickly went to brush his teeth after he finished his shower. He puts on a Star Wars shirt and sweatpants before turning his laptop on. He check his phone and messaged Icarus.

Yuri: "I have a crap load to do again ughhhh plus exams are coming soon."

After a few minutes, his phone buzzed.

Icarus: "Same here. I have a shit load of work to do here so you're not alone, but don't worry I'm pretty sure you'll be alright."

The text that Yuuri got next nearly made his heart stop.

Icarus: "Mind if I call you instead? I need to multi-task here."

Yuuri suddenly went pale from head to toe. "Talk? as in talk?" Yuuri thought, "What if I sound weird? What if I end up saying something stupid? What if he doesn't speak English? No that would be stupid, of course he does stupid idiot."

Yuri: "Yeah sure :)"

"WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST DO?" Yuuri said as he stared at the screen. Suddenly, it changed, the screen was no longer showing him their chatroom, but a close up of Icarus's profile picture (which was the picture of a brown poodle, which Yuuri later learned that it was Icarus's pet) with "Icarus" written underneath. Below was a green and red button, to either accept or decline the call. Yuuri took a deep breath before he pressed the green button and slid it to the left. Of course, the first one to speak was Icarus, himself.

"Hello Yuuri? Can you hear me? I'm not sure if the signal is okay here."

Yuuri wanted to laugh, "His accent is weird, is that how he really sound like?" He thought. He nearly forgot he was actually supposed to respond. He quickly grabbed his phone and put is on his ear.

"H-h-hey I can hear you just fine!" Yuuri face-palmed himself, "First stuttering then shouting? Seriously?" 

"Hey Yuuri, sorry for this sudden change of events, I seriously needed to multi-task."

Yuuri took another deep breath so he wouldn't stutter again, "If I'm disturbing you in any way, I could just end the call or something."

"No no! That wouldn't be necessary, talking to you is the one of the things I look forward to every day."

Yuuri could feel himself blush, luckily they weren't talking face to face, "Thanks Icarus, that means a lot I guess."

"You're welcome," was all Icarus replied, "By the way are you okay? I can hear you taking a lot of deep breaths."

Yuuri chuckled, "Yeah I'm fine, just talking to you for the first time just ha ha, I'm nervous, that's all." He cleared his throat, "So how was work today?" Yuuri asked, trying to avoid the awkwardness and to keep the conversation going.

"Work was very tiring, it was seriously exhausting I had to write a lot to the point my hands actually hurt from typing. Like my fingers went numb. I'm still typing even now," Yuuri heard Icarus sighed, "How about you? How were your classes today?"

"Boring, great, just the usual of course," Yuuri answered," I did learn pretty cool but complicated stuff today though."

"Really?" Yuuri noticed a change in his tone, as if he cheered up a bit.

Yuuri nodded, "Yeah I would explain, but it's long and complex. It would take a whole book to explain it."

"Ah I see."

"Also, heard that Phichit and Georgi did a duet in one of their classes today," Yuuri smiled even more, "I'll send you a video later, it's ridiculous, but surprisingly bearable."

Icarus chuckled, "Alright then, I'll be looking forward to it."

"You're not much of a talker are you? When on the phone," Yuuri thought out loud. His eyes widened when he realized that the words escaped from his mouth.

"Well, number one, I'm busy and, number two, I prefer to listen to be honest. I prefer listening to you, after all you always have interesting stories to tell. Believe it or not, listening to your voice actually makes me feel better," Icarus explained.

Yuuri felt himself blush even more, "I'm flattered wow, no one has ever actually said anything like that to me before."

"Well I'm glad to be the first," he heard Icarus smile through the phone, "Oh by the way, I've been thinking a lot."

"You're always thinking," Yuuri smiled, "What have you been thinking about a lot recently?"

He heard Icaurs took another deep breath and he heard him smile again:

"Let's meet in real life, whenever you're free."

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