A Whole Lotta Work

Start from the beginning

“Okay so let’s get down to it, we only have 30 minutes,” Rocky stated stepping up to look at me.

“Alright then I’ll say 10 minutes for making the song,” I said going to sit down at the dash board pulling out my apple laptop. “The song is halfway done just a few pieces that I think you or Lyric would like to add here or there.”

“Alright,” Joe said looking at the screen to read the song title, “Almost There?”

“Yeah, so it’s like this dude is in love with his friend, but he wants to be more and there almost there,” I explained smiling.

“That’s unique,” Lyric said smiling and looking over the lyrics.

“Barely,” I heard Rocky mutter. Only my “posse” and possibly Rock could hear what he said.

“This seems pretty good, but at the beginning you could add a talking part like, how we go from friends to lovers a couple of times, then uhhh…” Joe started off and looked to Lyric for help.

“You kiss me first and I discover that from now you are my only,” Lyric continued.

“Naw that’s too choppy maybe just flow into the song,” Joe said.

“I like his idea, but instead on ‘you are my only’ we could have ‘there is no other’,” I stated singing it in my head. “Yeah I think that sounds about right.”

“How we go from friends to lovers, you kiss me first and I discover that from now there is no other,” Joe said in a sing-song voice. “Yeah that’s hot.”

“Alright any additions anywhere else?” I asked smiling.

“No, what about the music?” Joe asked.

“Well I have three options that you might like, but I also have other choices that I all created specifically for this song,” I explained pulling up the first song choice, it started out with an electric guitar and followed with a piano and violin in the background.  The second started out silently for a few seconds then the music started in. And the last started out with a loud drum solo.

“The first one definitely,” Lyric said piping in.

“Because it’s silent for the first few seconds so you can say your piece then in the background it can be bombombom-bom,” I added.

“Alright so give it to me,” Joe said smiling. I put the music on and started to say the piece then began to sing, and stopped after the first verse.

“Okay I get the rhythm, so let’s get this started,” Joe said standing up. He walked into the booth and put the headphones on.

“I don’t know where he’s going to get the music from,” Lyric smiled sitting in the chair next to me.

“I’ll project it,” I said projecting the lyrics on the screen in front of him.

“Oh wow that’s cool,” Joe said.

“Thank you, um do you want any water?” I asked.

“Yes please.”

I pulled open the cooler and pulled out a bottle of Poland Springs and walked to Joe and gave him the water.

“Ya’ll want anything?” I asked turning to look at everyone.

“Scotch on the rocks,” Rocky said.

“Mountain Dew,” Rock said

“Coffee with cream and two sugars,” Lyric said.

“Blood,” Kyle said, greedy.

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