Power and Red's Mate

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This expresses Christian ideals, not that big of a deal, but I thought people should know

Third POV:

                Every creature in the room heard how Kelly’s heart exploded and shattered, and everyone but Red knew the truth.

“Kelly,”                 Tigger whispered walking over to her and nudging her face with his nose. “Someone help her!”

“Back up,” Red said calmly as everyone stared at him in astonishment at how calm and collected his voice is.  

“Man are you crazy, we just lost her Kelly. We lost Kelly, what’s wrong with you man,” Tigger yelled at him becoming infuriated. Little did they know that Kelly was only going to leave them for a short amount of time to go on her first meeting with the one and all powerful of them all, God. Her soul traveled through the clouds and through each layer of the atmosphere she was unaware of her surroundings until she fell to the wet ocean below her falling all the way down to where not even the scariest of fishes wouldn’t swim toward. Finally after the never ending travel in a big circle Kelly’s body plopped down on the ocean floor breathing in the water like a fish taking whatever she needed from it. She felt weirdly at peace and at home, weird because she never knew how to swim.  Suddenly a large ball of light approached her allowing her to see all of the nature around her.  She felt memorized by the ball of light, but then again constant questions arose into her mind.

“Kelly all your questions will be answered,” the ball of light said reading her thoughts.

“Okay, but who or what are you?” Kelly asked immediately putting on her defensive stance.

“I’m God, I refuse to put myself into a body of any kind, because as my descendent, I only thought it’d be fair that I showed you my true self,” God said.

“Well, um, why’d you call me here?” Kelly asked standing up feeling the need to being in front of her God. She wasn’t super religious, and she wasn’t trying to force her ideas down other people’s throats; she just knew that she believed in God, and that was her way of being happy.

“Ah is that the right question?” God asked swaying shacking the ocean waters with each letter that escaped his mouth.

“Yeah, I mean why else would I be here?” Kelly asked perplexed with this higher being and his ways of talking in rhymes.

“The question that you should be asking is why you are the mes kratige?” God asked floating down to the sea ocean with Kelly.

“Well then why am I the mes kratige?” Kelly asked sitting down a few feet away from God.

“Because you are the savior of man- kind who will save them from their sins. You will be the one to wash away their sins, and allow them a chance at heaven, but you will die a painful and harsh death, for the sake of the beings that live in the world that I created,” God said to her. Kelly sat taking in all of the information as best as she could, well that didn’t sound any different from what she does now.

“So, I’m like a female Jesus?” Kelly inquired trying to get as much information on God’s motive behind his actions.

“Exactly, but is that what you really want to know?” God asked once again making Kelly think over her whole questionnaire’ that she had planned out.

“Well why me?” Kelly asked.

“Because it’s how I wanted it to be,” God said morphing his ball shape into the shape of a human body. He was now ball of light in the shape of a human bean bag.

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