Mandy Puts Me Straight

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I watched as Taz disappeared into the distance, the occasional swipe at her eyes with the back of her hand.

Turning from the forlorn sight I trudged back to the Blenheim view B and B with my head and shoulders slumped.

I was at a loss, I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but I didn't know what to do having never been in this situation before, I needed help and I knew just the guy, Jasper, hell he had been in a similar situation with Mandy a few years back and he solved it, sure it wasn't as bad as my predicament, but I was desperate and any help would be appreciated.

Making my way through reception and up the stairs towards my small single room hideaway on the second floor, I vowed to seek out Jasper in the morning and see if he could offer me any advice.

My night consisted of tossing and turning, pacing the room and hunching up on the small bedside chair and this was where I found myself when I woke from a restless dream that had me chasing Taz around Blenheim Park with her far in front and every time I just caught a glimpse of her as she disappeared around another corner.

That's why even after I had a long hot shower, I still felt like shit, only to have this confirmed when I viewed myself in the mirror, because I looked like how I felt, dark circles around my deep set half open lifeless eyes, my face was drawn and I couldn't muster up a signature Chase Ryder smile.

I was a mess internally as well as externally, the old me would have reached for a bottle or some white powder or tablets, but I wasn't that stupid ignorant prick anymore and if I was going to win Taz back I needed to be on top of my game and I was going to win her back or die trying.

I made my way into the tea room not really up for a traditional breakfast, I opted for a coffee and toast.

As I sat there absently staring at my spoon stirring my coffee, I jumped when a female voice spoke.

"You'll stir a hole in the bottom of that cup in a minute"

"Oh hi, Mandy, just thinking"

"Arh! I see and that sad face of yours wouldn't have anything to do with a certain young lady that lives in Blenheim Park would it?"

My head shot up and I stared at a grinning Mandy, how the hell did see know.

"I thought so, Miss Blake, lives in the cottage adjacent to the town gate and she heard you and a young lady arguing last night, but she wasn't sure who the girl was, so I just put two and two together"

I slumped back in my chair.

"Yer you're right it has everything to do with Tazzz Taylor" I quickly corrected myself.

"So want to tell me about it" she asked sitting down next to me.

I sighed might as well I didn't have anything to lose, Jasper wasn't here and Mandy might be able to give me the female perspective.

"Well as you rightly guessed I have a thing for Taylor and as you know we have a past, then things changed and we lost touch, now I don't know how to go about getting her back"

Mandy raised her eyebrows but didn't say anything at first.

"The thing is Chase, Taylor is not like most girls, she's had a bad experience and been lucky to survive, she finds it hard to trust men now, so if you come on to her with your rock star persona then she will run a mile, with her it's more a case of going along with her, getting involved in her world rather than trying to get her into yours, you know what I mean?"

I nodded thinking back to how we got along when she was explaining to me about the wildfowl.

"The thing is Mandy I screwed up big time with Taylor in the past and then for what happened to happen and I wasn't there to protect her"

God I cringed internally as the lies flowed freely from my mouth, I was a coward, I should own up to my crimes and take my punishment, but then I would lose my career, hell Taz was right my career meant more to me than anything.

Or did it?

Would things alter between Taz and me if I told the truth? I don't think so, she hates me, but then why hasn't she told the truth.

"Are you okay" Mandy asked touching my arm and bringing me out of my guilt induced internal debate.

"Um yeah.. er, sorry miles away for a minute, you were saying"

Still eyeing me with suspicion, that I was not telling all, Mandy repeated what she had said.

"As I was saying Taylor needs to trust you and you need to let her make all the first moves, let her initiate holding hands, let her instigate the kiss" and here Mandy blushed before adding.

"And other things, you know"

I decided to tease Mandy, so I scrunched up my face as though I didn't understand and shook my head.

"Sorry you've lost me"

"More intimate things, you know what I mean" she smacked my arm as she laughed.

I just grinned.

"Hello what's going on here then, should I be concerned?" Came a deep male voice.

"Jasper!" Screamed Mandy and hurled herself into his open arms.

"Hi Chase" beamed Jasper, slipping his arm around Mandy's shoulder.

"Hi Jasper, Mandy was just giving me some advice" I blushed.

"Seems our rockstar has a thing for a certain Miss Deveroeux and he doesn't know how to handle her"

Mandy enlightened Jasper snuggling further into his chest as his hand caressed her arm.

"Oh!" He stared at me and raised his eyebrows, before his face broke into a huge grin.

"Well you asked the right person, because I fucked up big time with Mandy"

"Language" scolded Mandy slapping his chest.

"See I'm still doing it now" he laughed.

Then he lowered his head and gave Mandy a quick kiss and my mind envisage that was me kissing Taz.

"Remember what I said Chase, persistent, charming, get into her world, but most of all let her make all the moves"

"Got it and thanks, I'll um leave you two alone now and er... go and practice my charm"

I scrurried out the tea room and back up to my room, I had a lot to think about, especially as a lot of what Mandy had said made sense.

Grabbing my gear I quickly texted Ray my manager to let him know I was ready to go to the recording studio to test out some tracks so he could arrange transport and security.

Because I had hood winked the press making them believe I was staying in Oxford, leaving me free of attention to pursue Taz in Woodstock, I knew they would jump on me as soon as I got near the studio.

I immediately got a text back, so grabbing my guitar I headed down to wait in reception for my ride, mulling over everything Mandy had said.

Hell if ever I needed a plan of action now was the time.

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