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Taylor's memories

"Hi, didn't think you'd show" his husky voice whispered close to my ear and I felt myself start to melt, well I certainly felt wet in a few places and my legs were kind of shaky, so I class that as melting.

I really needed to pull myself together I was never like this around guys, I was normally sarky, in control and sometimes flirty but it was all in good fun, knowing I would never take it any further, unlike my friends I never pursued a man, or let them get to close.

Sure I had dated a few time but nothing serious and it soon fizzled out, usually when they wanted to go the next step and I didn't, I'm not a prude or saving myself for marriage type of girl, I just didn't want to throw it around like it was worthless, I wanted the pair of us to have some feelings towards each other not a quick fuck and fuck off.

Um hi" good start to a conversation. "I'm um, it nice of you to um, I'm um"

As you can tell conversing with good looking guys isn't a problem for me, well in my mind it isn't.

My mumbling only increased his smirk.

And this guy had all my internal alarms going of simultaneously.

Regaining a little of my courage I cleared my throat.

"So what do you want" I cringed as it came out sounding more like a harsh statement than a genuine question.

"I mean I'm not really dressed for anything" indicating my MacDonald's uniform.

"Oh I don't know" casting his eyes seductively over my body, making me tingle all over.

Why the hell did this guy affect me so much, it stood out a mile with his looks and clothes he was a sort after male and definitely a player, if he thought I would make a willing bed partner, for one night of lust he was gravely mistaken.

"Well we don't even know each other, I'm..."

I didn't get any further as he cut me off.

"I know your Taylor, hi! And I'm Declan Morris"

Now two thinks happened at once here, first my brain was trying to figure out how he knew my name and second his hand wasn't there for me to shake, but then the answer to my questions soon became apparent as he pulled me into a hug and whispered.

"I saw it on your name badge" easy when you know the answers.

I was now blushing even more, after my lack of speech dexterity and getting a nose full of his cologne and manly scent, plus a face full of hard male chest, I was a gonner.

Just as we pulled back from our embrace the heavens opened and the rain came lashing down, quick as a flash he grabbed my hand and literally dragged me across the road avoiding oncoming pedestrians as we appeared to be going against the flow and under a huge awning over a Chinese and Thai restaurant, where we could watch the people all dashing about trying to hide from the rain of fighting to put their umbrella up or coat on.

"Well isn't that convenient" Declan declared looking in the window, before glancing at me.

"Hungry?" He enquired.

"Yes" giving a confirmation nod as well "But not at their prices"

"Good" and grabbing my hand again pulled me in through the door. "My treat"

"Good evening sir, your table is now ready" a small Oriental gentleman offered with a small bow.

"Thank you" Declan replied with a small bow of his own.

As for me, I raised my eyebrows at Declan when he straightened up.

"Tables ready, pretty certain of yourself aren't you?"

"Hey! I knew you would be hungry, working around food all day, not being able to eat it, I reasoned you would be hungry"

"For Chinese?" I pressed.

"All the girls love Oriental food, it's law, besides I knew it was going to rain, so we can eat while we wait for the weather to clear up" throwing his arms out to his side's with palms facing upwards as though he had just demonstrated a magic trick.

"Pretty slick mister, I'll have to keep an eye on you" I laughed.

Leaning forward he whispered.

"Good because I have both mine on you" sending shivers all over my body.

"Yes, well um shall we take our seats then"

Laughing Declan placed his hand on the small of my back and ushered me over to the far end of the restaurant and pulled a chair our for me to sit, Sade had it right when she sang smooth operator, this guy had a degree in it.

"Good evening sir, madam would you like a drink while you study the menu"

Declan looked at me.

"Um, a diet coke please"

"And I'll have a lager please a pint"

After the waiter backed away, Declan and I engaged in small talk, you know, where are you from, age, status, then what are you studying, what college are you attending.

That's when the conversation became more interesting as we were both at the London music college.

"Well" began Declan "My ambition you ask, I want to be a popstar, I mean who doesn't" this making us both chuckle.

"But seriously I do want to be in a band, a group of us at school formed a group and we were pretty good, in fact we were told by a record promotion guy to contact him if we ever considered taking it up.
I was all for it and so were the guys, but as you now know my parents are rich and they wanted me to have a good education and career, so with the threat of having no money I was forced to come to college and I chose this one because at least it deals with music. My parents weren't happy but they didn't specify where or what I had to study so sod em"

Wow I had never witnessed such hostility between parents and children, as for my parents they knew I was in love with music and supported me all the way.

"So" continued Declan "As you know I am studying music and as soon as I have saved enough of my monthly allowance I'm off out of this bloody place and contacting this promotions guy, I reckon give it a year and I'll be gone"

I felt a little twinge in my stomach, was it a twinge of sadness or regret or maybe both, no point getting lost in this guy if he's already planning to move on.

But hey he's here now why not have a good time for a year, hell it's not as though this is the guy I'm going to marry is it?

So shutting of my thoughts I focused on Declan and we talked laughed and really enjoyed the time together, so much so we didn't realise the rain had stopped, we just sat eat and talked.

It was such an enjoyable evening, that I was sorry when it came to an end.

We had walked hand in hand to the underground, sat together hand in hand and now here we were stood at the lift doors up to my room.

"I had a really lovely time Declan, thank you" I whispered scared I might cry, maybe that's it, but before I could do anything else he pulled me towards him and in a husky whisper.

"I've being wanting to do this since I first saw you"

He lowered his lips to mine and kissed me.

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