Taz Mania (pt 3)

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Entering the TV studio had been hard, but leaving it was nigh on impossible, news had spread like wildfire over the internet that Taz was in town and it seemed every media hound within a fifty mile radius had descended on this spot, with more people arriving every minute.

Not only were there press, TV and paparazzi, but the amount of Phenomenon fans and curious members of the general public has grown dramatically as well, Taz mania had hit town in style.

And as security aided by the local police fought to hold back the surging mass of screaming and hysterical people who wanted a touch to make sure we were real, those that wanted to take photos or grab an interview, it was quite a scary time that short walk to the waiting limo before scrambling into the comparative safety of the back seat, slamming the door that quietened the mass hysteria going on outside.

The car rocked as people pressed against it and the noise was deafening as they banged on the roof to get our attention, though I didn't think they could see much or take worthwhile photos though the darken windows.

Taz heaved a huge sigh and I noticed how pale she looked and she was shaking considerably, I pulled her into my side and that had the desired affect as our bodies heated up where they touched and our combined shaking dissipated.

"That was insane" she muttered.

"So why did you do it?"

"Because damn it! After everything I love you and I need to be with you, so you know me I do everything in style and besides there was no way I was going to let you ruin your life by blabbing about what happened"

And if it was possible my love for this women grew even more.


Two months later

Taz had become a worldwide internet and media sensation, after the press plus the social networks had hyped the whole thing up to extraordinary levels previously, where t-shirts, mugs scarfs in fact anything that words could be put on, then it had proclaimed they were the missing Taz.

Thousands of pounds had being offered for Taz to come forward or to anyone who knew her whereabouts.

Now she was no longer an imaginary figure, she was real and boy did the world's press, media and apparently every music fan love that, they couldn't get enough of her, the rock and roll love story everyone apparently wanted to know everything about, wherever we went we were mobbed, our security detail now numbered six with an army of security waiting in the wings if required.

Of course the record company capitalised on it and ramped up Taz Mania to increase record and merchandising sales and I was practically ordered to write a follow up album, about our love story.

The pressure for Taz to spill the beans on her life story, with offers of book deals and TV shows was immense, but she took it all in her stride, refusing to elaborate on what she had said in the studio.

Just as you felt the whole thing was running out of steam someone would come up with a new revelation on mine or Taz's life and the whole thing would start up again.

With the album Taz Mania returning to the top of the charts and the Phenomenon tour having to be rearranged due to my hospital stay, the demand for tickets was so overwhelming that more dates were added, the public had gone insane over our story, Taz's two near death experiences and my one, convinced the people that this was a true fairly tale romance and wanted to witness the finale and the whole tour was sold out all over America in minutes of the tickets going on sale.

Taylor settled into her role and despite all the attention heaped on her, she shrugged it off and concentrated on doing her job.

But the total insanity of the whole situation came when we played the Hollywood bowl, the stadium was packed and the audience were hyped up beyond belief, like a load of kids on a sugar rush.

The chanting started as soon as the crowd were let in and never stopped and when we hit the stage the volume went through the roof, I had played to packed stadiums before and in front of ecstatic fans but never anything like this.

Nearly every female in the audience had a Taz related item, be it they were sporting a mask of Taz's face, a hat or wearing an official tour t-shirt that had 'Taz Mania' emblazoned across the front as well as her smiling face plastered on them.

Plus the chanting was like a Beatles concert on steroids only twenty times louder and the noise never ceased, they sang along on every song, they screamed and cheered everytime we spoke.

And the ultimate high of the evening was when we started to sing all I want is you, suddenly banners and flags were unfurled and the chanting emphasised what was writing on the banners.

'We want Taz!'

Looking to the side of the stage I noticed Taz with her back to us a clipboard in her hands and headset on, oblivious to the crowds demands.

By this time the guys and I were caught up in the atmosphere as much as the audience, so I screamed into the mic.

"Who do you want?"

And as one the audience screamed their reply, so I strode purposely over to Taz and tapped her on the shoulder.

She turned and stared wide eyed at me, not expecting me to be standing there, she mouthed what's wrong looking past me at the smiling faces of the guys on stage, now with a puzzled look on her face.

I grabbed the clipboard from her and handed it to some guy near the curtains, followed by her headset, she still gave me a quizzical look, to which I simply said.

"You're wanted"

And before she could register what was happening I grabbed her hand and tugged her out onto the stage, however she soon realised what I was doing and tried to dig her heels in while shaking her head, by then it was to late I had pulled her to the centre microphone as the chanting turned to screaming, leaning forward I announced.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Taz, the inspiration for my songs and the love of my life"

She stood frozen to the spot looking out over the sea of screaming flag waving hysterical fans, with the multi coloured stage spotlights playing back and forth over the estatic crowd who were now leaping about chanting her name, Taz was in total shock, so I took hold of her hand spun her round and kissed her a full blooded kiss and soon her body responded and her arms went round my neck, this only increased the volume in the stadium.

Breaking the kiss but not letting go of her hands, I nodded to the guys and proceeded to serenade and dance with my love in front of the crowd who sang along as well, matching our bodies swaying movements and when we finished the extended version of the song the lights from the audience's smartphones lit up the whole arena.

It was a night neither Taz or I would ever forget, but it set the standard for the rest of the tour each venue we played at wanting to out do the previous one, it became the norm for Taz to be summoned onto the stage for her song, smartphones became scrolling message boards, ticker tape and streamers fired from makeshift cannons, couples dressed as us mimicked our stage dance.

As the tour organisers and record company got in on the act with more and more over the top things being introduced during the song, much to the delight of the paying public who lapped it all up.

And as for me I loved it for a completely different reason, the more it went on the more confident Taz became and the more of the old Taz returned, she interacted with people she held her own when interviewed, she even had her own routine when she came on the stage for her song, once she ran and slid on her knees with her arms in the air, leading to a five minute ovation.

Phenomenon was now at the top, the fastest selling album, the longest number one single, our album Taz Mania re-entering the charts and shooting back up to number one and going platinum again, the list of achievements went on and on.

And when I wrote the first follow up album 'Taz The Phenomenon' it was released to world wide acclaim and hit top spot in numerous country's in a week.

But the biggest reward was I was getting my old Taz back!

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