Meeting The Band

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Now these girls had the upperhand when it came to flirting, I must admit I had never got round to reading 'The Hitchhiker's Guide To Being a Groupie' or 'Become a Groupie for Dummies' and it pleased me no end when Declan just brushed them off as though they were annoying flies, while still with my hand held firmly in his grasp.

Eventually they seemed to get the message he wasn't interested in them, so they turned their attention to me, scowling and shooting daggers at me with their eyes.

Strange how I never existed before when they were all over Declan even though he held my hand, but now I was the main attraction.

Deciding not to antagonize them and risk being killed in a mad groupie ritual homicide, I just followed Declan as he pulled me through the door and slammed it shut.

But not before I heard some snide remarks as to why I was still wearing a crash helmet, probably because I was butt ugly, faceful of spots, etc. etc.

"Wow" came a loud male voice from somewhere inside the room, startling me a bit.

"Looks like a hold up guys, don't shot Miss I'll come quietly" the voice continued.

"Hey, Roger you've never come quietly in your life"

This caused other males in the room to join in the laughter.

A hand placed on my shoulder suddenly made me jump.

"You're safe now you can take your helmet off" chuckled Declan.

"Hey who mentioned helmet and safe" one of the shorter chubbier guys blurted out.

"Jeez Willy you have a one track mind" a taller guy with jet black head chuckled clamping his hand on his shoulder.

Removing my crash helmet, I immediately shook my head so as to free up the tangle's caused by being a pillion passenger, then a few more tittlations and finger combing, I was set, but when I looked at the guys who I assume were the band, I found them all staring at me as though I was a TV commercial for their favourite alcoholic drink, wide eyed and mouths open.

"You're her aren't you?"

The smaller one with glasses said pointing at me.

I was feeling quite nervous now, I came here expecting to be fawning over these guys not the other way round.

"Umm... hi I'm umm... Taylor, Taylor Deveroeux" it came out all most a whisper I​ smiled​ nervously.

Then all of a sudden it was as though their life forces re-entered their bodies as they shot to their feet and crowded around me, trying to all talk and shake my hand at the same time.

"Hey, hey guys calm it down will ya" shouted Declan definitely with a hint of a chuckle in there.

"Don't frighten her off or make her ego any bigger"

I turned towards him and would have glared at him, had I not been surrounded by guys taller than me, so I couldn't see outside the cicle of male bodies.

Eventually the guys moved off and I was able to breath.

Declan did the introductions.

"This tall streak with the sandy hair is Danny boy, that is Daniel Southgate, this here other tall one is Andy Cooke, Roger Clarke is the one with glasses and that leaves just William Scott"

I acknowledged each and at first I was shocked when they pulled me in for a hug rather than a handshake.

"I'll leave you guys to get acquainted, remember no pictures this is still hush, hush, I'm just gonna get my kit from the store room" and he waltzed out  making sure to locked it stopping unwanted intruders.

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