Saving Taz

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The door creaked and groaned and reluctantly​ swung open and there stood the most amazing sight a woman could ever want, though my eyes were still not operating with one hundred percent efficiency​ and everything having an ethereal look about it, I couldn't be sure if I was hallucinating or not, then in a croaky voice the mirage spoke.

"Okay Taz, let's get you out of here and get you looked at, then you and I have some talking to do"

He leaned in towards me and I noticed he winced a bit when he released my seat belt.

"Are you okay" I felt as though I was in a dream state or having an out of body experience or whatever, the whole situation just didn't seem real and my voice sounded if it came out of somebody elses mouth.

"Sshhh, just relax, but I need to get you out fast otherwise we will both drown"

And with that he helped me stagger out from my wrecked pride and joy.

As I tried to stand I found myself feeling light headed and dizzy and before I could stumble and fall Declan whisked me up and carried me bridal fashion.

"Shit" he whispered.

"Umm" I'm sure he said something but my mind was not very alert at the moment and I wasn't sure what was happening.

"No way can I get up there and even if I did neither of us is in a position to ride a motorbike"

I could hear him talking but only picked up parts of his conversation, but it seemed he was muttering to himself anyway.

"Phones are a no no, one water logged the other broken in the fall, shit! Looks like I'm going to have to carry you down the Riverbank till I can find a place to climb up"

"I'm fine" I mumbled.

"Put me down, I can walk"

"Not happening princess, you have a nasty head wound and a deep cut on your shoulder"

I raised my hand automatically and touched the spot on my head that was throbbing and sure enough when I took it away there was a red sticky mess attached to my fingers.

Now I don't know about other people, but blood and I do not get on very well, it's fine with me when it's flowing through my veins, but when it makes an appearance especially when it's my blood I come over all whoozy.

And that was the case right now, I could feel what blood I had left in my face drain away and my already unstable head became even more light-headed.

I laid my head on Declan's chest and the beat of his heart calmed me down, I clung to him and rasped out.

"Okay you win, let's go"

And so began our trip back to civilisation, but due to the terrain Declan had to scramble along the bank, half in and half out of the water away from the bridge and the road, until he could find a suitable place that was low enough to scramble up and back on to flat land.

As he struggled to walk and hold me at the same time, I found myself gripping as tight as I could around his neck our two dripping wet bodies crushed together creating our own warmth.

Struggling to stay awake I constantly found myself jerking my head up and refocusing on where I was.

"Hey" Declan whispered in my ear, sending delightful shivers down my spine, even in the predicament we were currently in, his closeness and touch had made my body react in ways that it shouldn't in the present circumstances.

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