Just Another Day

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Rosalind and Sadie the nearest thing to best friends I possessed, mainly because we work and eat together in the palace, were seated at the huge kitchen table sipping on their cups of tea, as I entered through the back door, this was our usual routine before starting work, our tell all and put the world to rights session as we called it.

"Hi Taylor" squealed an excited Sadie with an equally excited Rosalind nodding her head.

"He was here again yesterday" Sadie clapped her hands five or six times.


"Chase Ryder, who else" chimed in Rosalind.

"In Blenheim park and guess what"

"What?" My second one word question in as many minutes.

"He was spotted with a woman" she stated eye wide nodding her head for emphasis.

I froze nearly dropping the cup of hot tea that Sadie had just handed to me.

"W,w.. who was it do you know" trying hard to curb the panic in my voice.

"No idea" her face looking sad. "Delia Blake saw them but she didn't recognise the girl"

I felt the relief sweep over my body at least until the second statement.

"But, Delia reckons that the girl left him at the gate and came back into the park" cue another round of squealing and hand clapping.

"But she not sure" added Sadie. "To dark to see properly"

"So how did she know it was him, then?" I asked.

"Are you kidding me! Delia is like the groups biggest fan ever and Chase is wow! Is top of her wish list and probably her bucket list as well, she would recognise him forty miles away in the pitch black and knowing her, she would be more wrapped up in watching him than to pay any attention to the woman"

Another internal sigh, I was still safe, but I would make sure I was prepared next time.

But there won't be a next time will there? That's it, whatever it was is over, I had made myself clear and he had accepted that, so that was it.

God even my mind wasn't making any sense, I had to forget about it all and move on, which was quite ironic really as I had spent the last few years of my life trying to remember everything and now here I was now trying to forget most of it.

I was bought out of my conflicting thoughts when Sadie nudged my arm making me slop my tea over the table.

"Hey Taylor are you still with us, you seem to be frozen to the spot and ignoring us"

"Sorry I was miles away, what did you say"

"I said" repeated Rosalind. " You would wouldn't you?"

"I would what?" Now confused.

"Christ Taylor where have you been, we both agree that given half a chance we would jump into bed with Chase Ryder and asked for your confirmation"

Been there done that, never again.

" Um yer sure" I muttered instead.

"You don't sound to sure, are you okay? You don't seem yourself this morning" quizzed Sadie.

Pulling myself together I looked them in the eyes and forced a grin.

"Cause I would goes without saying doesn't it?"

To which they both smiled and agreed.

"Sheesh I bet he's a demon in bed" sighed Rosalind cupping her starry eyed dreamy face in her hands as she leant her elbows on the table.

All I Want Is YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon