Taz Exposed

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(Five months later)

Dressed in my smartest business attire I was currently sat in the back of a black cab, nervously tapping my foot and fiddling with the lanyard around my neck, I was going to be late, the damn roadworks that plagued London were the cause of the delay.

"Sorry Miss" obviously the cab driver could read my frustration "It's going to be a while by the looks of things, but if you're in a hurry you can nip down there and across the square and it's the building straight in front of you"

"Thank you" I huffed out, glancing at the cost on his machine and handing him a twenty with the instructions to keep the change.

"Take care Miss" he hollered, as I took off down the side street, damn I was going to be late for the interview at this rate.

I charged through the swing doors and dashed up to the reception desk, where a smart middle aged lady was talking on the phone, glancing at my watch, two minutes to go, shit!

After what seemed a life time the lady ended the call and stared up at me with a practiced smile on her face, after gaining directions from her and a warning I was late. I rushed to the lifts and again had to wait impatiently for one to arrive.

Eventually making it to the right floor, I rushed towards the door as directed by the sign outside the lift, however my way was barred by two large men dressed in security uniforms, standing arms folded in a very intimidating stance.

"Yes Miss" a large baritone growl escaped from one of guys lips.

"H, hi, I'm here to see Miss Charlotte Reed" I spluttered out.

"Sorry Miss, can't go in she's busy right now, come back in a couple of hours, then she'll be free"

"No, you don't understand, I need to see her now" I pleaded, waving the lanyard at them.

"Not gonna happen now go before I have you escorted out the building"

"Please" I begged. "It's of the utmost importance, I must see her now"

One of the guards stepped forward, he had definitely had enough.

"Now see here Miss if you don't scram now I'll be forced to take action"

"Fine" my shoulders sagged and I trudged back towards the lift and pressed the down arrow.

And as the doors opened I screamed putting my hand over my mouth backing away from the lift. The two guards came rushing over and crowded around the lift doors before peering in to see.


It was empty and as they turned round to look at me, they found I wasn't there but a slight squeak of the door they were guarding indicated where I had gone and they didn't hesitate to scurry in after me.

"Don't you dare say anything" I yelled.

"Otherwise I will hate you forever"

I marched right on to the stage as all the people looked on in shock, Miss Reed glared at me from her comfortable chair she was seated in and indicated to unseen people that I was an unwanted intrusion, my fake ID around my neck having done it's job and got me close enough to have my say, now it was someone else's decision what to do about it.

That was when the man she was interviewing live on national television turned and his grey green eyes met mine.

Standing quickly he spoke just one word as the two security guards reached me and grabbed my arms.

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