I Don't Understand?

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"But I still don't understand" I was sat in my mother's lounge on the sofa with a smartly dressed man sat opposite me, clutching a briefcase, who had informed me when he presented himself at the door asking for me, as Mr Townsend, solicitor for Rage Records.

And now here I was clutching a cheque for an obscene amount of money which he refused to take back.

"So" I continued. "What your saying is that, due to the fact that my picture is being used to advertise Declan's new album and it also appears on the CD cover I am entitled to all this" I waved the cheque around like I was fanning myself. "Because of royalty issues, are you sure about this?"

"Yes Miss Deveroeux, quite sure, you see we cannot use that picture without your consent, but as it has already been used and seems to be enticing people to buy or download the album, by law you get the royalties, so now that's sorted, I just need you to sign this to say you consent to the photo being used and accept the royalties"

He foraged in his briefcase and produced a raft of papers which he handed to me with a pen, I looked briefly at the pages of legal jargon, before looking up at the solicitor.

"What does all this mean"

"Exactly as I have just explained" with an air of impatience at my lack of understanding something so simple.

Feeling a little lost, wishing my parents were here to help me out, I signed the papers where he indicated and handed them back with his pen.

He took them signed his name a few times and handed a copy of the documents to me.

"That's it miss Deveroeux, I will now bid you a good day"

We both rose together and I escorted him to the door, one final shake of the hand and he was gone, while I stood there holding a cheque for £25,000 and staring at the beautiful rose's that filled two of my mother's vases.
The card that accompanied them sat on the coffee table, a simple inscription.

A small token from a totally reformed character, please accept as a gift not of forgiveness but of a truce, forgiveness is yet to be earn't and I mean to earn it.


And their was a mobile number scribbled on the back, I picked up the card and slipped it in my jeans pocket.

When my parents arrived back from their shopping expedition, they were as dumbstruck as I had been, my mother stared at the cheque, unable to believe it, while my father scrutinised the agreement, clearing his throat, he gained our attention.

"Did you read this Taylor?" He asked looking at me.

I blushed and shook my head ashamed.

"W...w..well" Stuttered my father, I was now seriously worried, I had never seen him like this, what had I done, what had I signed, I waited with baited breath for him to continue.

"Well" he emphasised again. "It says here that this is a first payment and that you will be entitled to a percentage of the sales, the estimated total will be paid in installments and is expected to be in the region of" and here he coughed loudly.

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