My Father's Birthday Present

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Here goes nothing. I thought to myself as I knocked on the Deveroeux's front door.

I hadn't been invited round but I was using the excuse I had a present for Thomas's birthday, which was true, but my ulterior motive was that I hoped I would get to spend time with Taz.

As the door opened I was relieved that it was Thomas that had answered, it made the whole thing easier.

"Hi, Mr.... I mean Thomas, happy birthday"

"Why thank you Declan, please come in Taylor's upstairs, I'll fetch her down for you"

"Oh that's okay I've come to see you first"

"Oh" lifting his eyebrows and staring intently at me.

"Yes, I have something to give you and I need to ask you something as well" my voice getting softer and lower the more I spoke.

"Okay" he drew out.

"Yer, I er... bought you a present, you know for your birthday" why I needed to clarify that I don't know, but I pointed to the four by four sat in the drive.

"Oh it's in your car, do you need a hand" Thomas said edging past me and heading towards the brand new blue Range Rover sat there.

I ran to catch up with him.

"Not exactly Thomas" I muttered as we reached the drivers door, where he turned and looked at me with a puzzled expression, waiting for me to clarify the situation.

Oh shit, well here goes.

"Happy birthday Thomas" I said with the best smile I could conjour up, holding the car keys up and dangling them between my thumb and forefinger.

Thomas looked at me then the car and back to me, still with the same puzzled expression on his face, then he spoke.

"I don't understand you want me to open the car, or drive you somewhere"

This was turning out to be more difficult than I first thought.

"No Thomas that is your present" pointing to the car and jangling the keys.

Thomas then repeated his earlier movements looked at me, car, me.

Then I think it dawned on him what I was saying.

"You bought me a car, my birthday present is this car, are you sure?"

I could tell he was shocked and not really comprehending what I was offering, I just nodded.

"I can't accept that, it's to much Declan, I mean thank you and all that, but you hardly know me it's only because you know Taylor and you don't need to butter me up, so I can't take this, it's far to much, besides I'm glad Taylor has found someone at last"

"Just to put you straight Thomas, I bought this car for me, but before I could collect it, I was given a top of the range one of these from a company I helped out by letting them use one of my songs in their advertising campaign"

Hell the lie flowed so easily from my mouth, you couldn't get more top of the range than this model and when I'm set out to get something I want, I am relentless, add to that when it's someone I desperately want I. Do. Not. Stop. Ever!

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