Family Forgiveness

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"She's a lovely girl, you need to treat her right" my father
Spoke for the very first time on the subject.

"That she is dad and believe me I intend to, I won't let her or her family suffer anymore and that's the gods honest truth"

Then both my parents came up either side of me and we stood in a companionable silence watching Taylor and Toby play in the garden.



I must admit after my reservations about meeting Declan's parents, they were nothing like I expected, at first they seemed a little stand offish but more so with their own son than me, I could feel some tension there and the atmosphere you could cut with a knife.

So when the opportunity to nip out into the magnificent back garden was offered I took it with both hands and Toby was a delight, so boisterous and playful yet, soft and gentle at the same time.

I had to smile when I glanced towards the kitchen and saw Declan hug first his mother then his father, it looked like whatever had caused a family divide had now been rectified.

"Go fetch Toby" I cried as I threw his ball as far as I could, with a small yap and his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth he took off, it surprised me he didn't bite his tongue off as it flapped up and down as he ran.

"Having a good time Taz" came the familiar husky voice from behind me causing me to jump a little, but mainly shiver and tingle inside.

"Yes, this a beautiful garden and your parents seem nice" I answered honestly.

"Yes they are"

The tone of his voice made me turn fully round to face him and he had the biggest widest grin ever on his face and he seemed truly happy, happier than I had ever seen him before, so I had to remark on it.

"Someone seems extremely happy" I chuckled.

"Oh believe me baby I really am"

"Baby" I queried. "Have you been watching dirty dancing?"

He gave a loud snort before doing a very bad impression of Patrick Swayze.

"Nobody puts baby in a corner"

"Oh god that was terrible" I cried punching his arm and before I could withdraw my hand he grabbed it, my eyes shot up to his as I tried to pull my hand free, until I saw the look in his eyes, a haunted look one that expressed so many emotions.

I stopped trying to tug my hand away and stared mesmerised at his burning eyes.

We must have stood staring at each other for a minute or two, until Declan woke from the trance, still staring he whispered to me.

"Thank you, thank you so much"

Cocking my head to one side with a puzzled expression as to why he needed to thank me, he sighed dropped his gaze for a moment before hitting me with another emotional stare.

I still couldn't move I was transfixed waiting for him to make the next move.

"You have no idea what you have done to me Taylor Deveroeux, you have made a new man out of me, a man I hasten to add I like, I know I have told you numous times I am sorry for what I did to you, but you alone have made me able to repair the damage I did to my parents and our relationship, you gave me a chance god knows I don't deserve, to be your friend, I love you for that" then in a low whisper that I think he didn't expect me to hear he added.

"I love you"

Now it may have been the emotional charged atmosphere caused by Declan's heartfelt admission or it could have been that not so small bit of my heart that grew everytime he amazed me with his caring side, but I had to do it I couldn't help myself.

With glistening eyes I placed my hand on his shoulder and standing on tip toe I leant forward and kissed him on his lips.

And as I lowered myself back down I saw a genuine tear trickle down his cheek and meander around his mouth open in surprised shock.

The look of a small boy throwing open the lounge door to see all the Christmas presents under the tree just for him.

I knew then in that split second of time, I had to forgive Declan Morris for everything, he had sinned, he had repented, he had changed, he had repaired his broken bridges, now was the time for me to try and forgive completely.

And armed with that resolution, I threw myself back into his arms and kissed him again, a kiss full of forgiveness and for future hope.

After his second shock in as many minutes, Declan pulled me tight against his firm chest and returned my passionate kiss with such fierceness it took my breath away, the kiss went on far longer than I was able to hold my breath and when it did break I was so light headed I clung to Declan for support.

As his head fell on to my shoulder I felt his body jerking up and down, he was crying full blown tears, he gripped me tightly and let them flow and that only served to make me join him as my tears of joy, pain and happiness joined his, as we hugged like there was no tomorrow in the middle of his parents lawn.

If I ever looked back on this moment, it would still be hard for me to imagine, here was I with an internationally known rock star that had an aura and presence on and off stage where women swooned and scrambled to get in his bed, yet here he was crying like a small child, I'm sure it was the weight of all the emotions of reconnecting with his parents and not just because I kissed him passionately.

As we continued to hug my head on his shoulder until the tears relented, I caught movement out the corner of my eye and there I saw Mrs Morris wiping a tear from her eye as Mr Morris wrapped an arm round her shoulder, both with big beaming smiles on their faces as they stared out the kitchen window at Declan and me.

I knew then there was no denying it, I had falling back in love with Declan, though deep down I had never really fallen completely out of love with him, but there was still a tiny nagging doubt in the back of my mind, one that held me back from letting my true feelings out.

It was that fine line between love and hate that I had crossed back and forth over and over again with my feeling for this man and now here I was walking down that thin line, like a driver trying to prove he was not drunk and I was not sure which way to step if I lost my balance.

And maybe just maybe I will be able to tumble off onto the right side.

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