Here We Go Again

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Why is it when ever Declan flaming Morris is on the scene I end up passing out or worse still, as in this case in bloody hospital again.

I moaned as I shifted in the uncomfortable bed that squeaked and groaned nearly as much as I did, fighting to sit up and take stock of my surroundings.

"Nothing exceptional to report" I murmured to myself.

A single bland sterile hospital room, smelling of an overdose of antiseptic cleaning agents.

Well here I was again aching and in moderate pain, but otherwise healthy, I moved all my body parts and nothing seemed to be missing or hurting to much, apart from my left shoulder and my forehead, both were sporting bandages and throbbing a lot.

Then my mind suddenly reminded me of what had transpired.

Declan! Oh my god where is he? Is he alright?

Panic setting in as I searched the room for any sign of life, my eye's fell on the buzzer resting on the side of my bed, I quickly pressed it and waited.

A few minutes later an elderly thin middle aged woman dressed in her smart blue nurses uniform came waltzing in with a small stainless steel tray with an array of medicines on it.

"Arrh, good you're awake I see, you had us worried for a while, when you came in babbling incoherently, but the doctor says you will be fine in a couple of days, just shock and exhaustion"

And as if that was a sign in came a group of men in white coats with stethoscopes​ slung around their shoulders.

"Good morning Miss.." and here he had to consult the clipboard his colleague handed to him.

"Deveroeux and how are we feeling this morning?"

"Umm fine" I answered, but I had more important things to worry about than how I feel.

"Er.. Doctor hows Declan, I mean Mr Morris, is he alright can I see him?"

"I'm sorry Miss Deveroeux, I'm afraid I'm not aquainted with a Mr Morris, he must be on another ward"

It was then one of the other Doctors leant forward and whispered in his ear, I couldn't help but notice his facial expression change from smiling to a frown, then to serious, he drew his head back and looked the other Doctor in the eye and watched as he nodded his head once, before he muttered.

"I see"

Turning his attention back to me, he cleared his throat before speaking.

"Mr Morris was he the other person who was found with you?"

I gave a quick nod my eyes never leaving his face, the Doctor ​shifted as though he was uncomfortable.

"Well it appears Mr Morris is in surgery again this morning, so unfortunately I do not have any significant news to give you, but as soon as he's out, I'm sure the nurses will update you"

He then closed the gap and the three of them gathered around my bed.

"Now Miss Deveroeux, we need to concentrate on getting you up and about, you've had quite a traumatic​ experience luckily for you nothing major, a slight concussion, cuts to your forehead and right shoulder plus some contusions on your upper chest and lower thighs, you will be sore for a few days but no lasting damage, Doctor Talbot is coming in later today just to make sure that your mental state is okay considering this was another blow to the head, but after that you should be free to leave tomorrow"

He allowed me to button up my gown as he passed the used medical swabs and wipes to the attending nurse.

"Now try and relax, the nurse will give you some tablets to ease the pain and help you get some rest, before Doctor​ Talbot gets here"

And with that said he turned and he and his entourage, disappeared out the door, leaving me with the nurse and her tray of pills.

I must admit I felt a lot better after a nap and the tablets had certainly taken​ the edge off the pain, in fact I ate heartily when food was offered, it was only sandwiches and crisps, but as I had slept through the lunch break I couldn't argue.

After I had satisfied my hunger and thirst, I sat up and read a few magazines that were offered to me by the friends of the hospital charity.

Final tossing the finished magazines on to the bedside cabinet, I sighed and laid back on my mountain of pillows just as Doctor Talbot walked in the door.

"My.. my Taylor you do get in some scrapes" she chuckled coming in and sitting on the chair at the top of the bed.

"Hi Doctor Talbot" giving her a small wave.

" Gillian, remember" she admonished.

"Sorry Gillian" I corrected. "Yeah you know me anything to get your attention"

This made her laugh.

"Good glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humour, now let's get a good look at you and make sure there's no underlying effects of your accident"

After being prodded and poked with a continuous stream of questions from the good doctor, I was declared fit and could be released tomorrow, they just needed to keep me in to check for any brain damage from the concussion.

Gillian finished up her examination and we were just chatting about random things, when the door flew open and in stormed my bleary eyed mother and father.

"Oh thank god you are all right" cried my mother.

"She is alright isn't she Doctor ​Talbot, she not lost her memory again has she"

Gillian placed a hand on my mothers shoulder and in a soothing voice explained that I was fine just a few cuts and bruises, that seemed to pacify my parents and they drew chairs up either side of me and bombarded me with questions,  while Doctor ​Talbot waved and made good her escape.

After I had filled my parents in on what happened and we all sat in silence in our own thoughts it bought a reminder of Declan, I needed to know what was going on with him, promising myself I would get an answer from the next hospital worker that came through my door.

It just so happened it was a young nurse just starting her shift and couldn't give me any information, so I waited and at last a female doctor came in to check on me and before she could do or say anything, I blurted out about Declan.

"Well Taylor he's in his room and is doing as well as can be expected at this stage"

And that as far as she was concerned was subject closed, she checked me over and left saying a doctor would see me in the morning, before I was discharged.

What the hell does as well as can be expected at this stage mean in English.

What stage are we at for god's sake, why can't someone give me a straight forward answer to a simple straight forward question.

How is declan is he alright? I mean how difficult a question is that to answer?

"Well there's only one way to find out for sure, I will sodding well go and find out for myself.

When visiting time came to a close and my tearful parents had kissed me goodbye promising they would be here tomorrow morning to pick me up, I seized my chance and hanging on to my father's arm I begged them to come with me to find Declan.

My mother being the hardest one to convince, but eventually she agreed and we set off to find him.

And I wish to god I hadn't.

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