Like kids And Kisses

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Very early the following morning it was a typical English autumn morning cold and damp, but this hadn't deterred Declan one bit.

After I had him doing all the shitty jobs I could thing of the evening before, hoping he would take the hint and not come back anymore, but I was wrong.

He didn't complain and completed everything I gave him to do with a smile on his face, he even helped my dad in from the car when he eventually got home at nine o'clock.

He stayed for dinner under my parents urging and I saw him off at about ten thirty after he insisted on helping with the washing up.

I must admit I felt a bit guilty afterwards for the jobs I got him to do and a part of me was overjoyed when he came back the next morning to help out.

I left Declan with my mother and went off to work and even I had to admit for some reason I had a spring in my step.

I couldn't​ help but smile when I came home and Declan was still there vacuuming the hallway, it made my insides warm up at the picture of domestic bliss.

Just before we sat down for dinner Declan decided to help me in the back garden, getting the wildfowl sorted out and bedded down for the night and I hadn't had so much fun in a long time as I did that evening.

I couldn't help it as tears of laughter rolled down my face, here in front of me was Declan Morris rock star and many women's fantasy date, hunched over waddling around on the muddy bank like Quasimodo, trying to herd the ducks and geese back towards their pens whilst the wildfowl were hissing and quacking, flapping their wings and scurrying around with no intention of doing what Declan wanted them to do.

And when one of his boots got stuck and he lost his balance arms flayling like a demented windmill before pitching forward face first into the sticky mud, I broke out into hysterics leaning forward and resting my hands on my knees to ease the pain in my stomach because of laughing so much.

Tears were streaming down my face as Declan struggled to his feet swaying about as he tried to get his foot back into his boot before toppling backwards and ending up flat on his back in the mud, I couldn't cope anymore I had stitch and cramps, my laughter was coming out hoarse as my throat was dry from gulping in deep breaths.

Then like the scene from the swamp thing, he staggered up the bank covered head to foot in oozing wet mud, his hands held away from his sides dripping brown slimy water from his finger tips and his eyes looking more pronounced surrounded by the brown dirt covering his face.

I was still being sympathetic by literally doubling over howling with laughter and pointing at him, while trying to put together a coherent sentence.

"Ha ha, yo... you look like that monster rising out the swamp"

"Is that so" he growled "In that case I better act like it and go after and kidnap the beautiful maiden"

Where upon he raised his arms aloft growled and ran towards me,

As for me I turned and ran, screaming at him over my shoulder.

" Don't you dare Declan Morris, stay away from me" seeing as he had no intention of doing that, I screamed even more.

"Mum help I'm being chased by a lake monster, Declan please you'll get me covered in mud"

It's nice to know who your friends are, when your own mother shuts and locks the backdoor announcing we were not coming in on her clean kitchen floor covered in mud, where upon a gloating Declan declares to me.

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