Coming Clean

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As the week progressed Declan continued to roll up on his motorbike and help around the house with things my father couldn't do and even helped with the things he was able to.

I could tell he was becoming popular with my parents as my mother would have breakfast ready for him and pampered him by bringing him coffee and biscuits during the day.

Then the odd comments started to appear directed at me, subtle at first, things like.

"Oh he's such a wonderful boy, don't you think Taylor"


"He'll make some lucky girl a lovely husband won't he Taylor"

And these soon became more intense and focused on me.

"Taylor he has a soft spot for you, you should ask him over to spend some time with you"


"Taylor why don't you ask him out on a date, he seems a bit shy to ask you"

Declan shy are you kidding me, why is everyone so concerned about what I should do when it comes to him, but then again I suppose they don't know the full story and what they can see makes me look the bad guy because he's chasing me and I am not giving him a chance.

Then one evening as we walked aimlessly around the park, Declan asked the one question I dreaded.

"So Taz there's something I've been meaning to ask you, why didn't​ you ever tell anyone about, you know what happened, I mean what I did to you"



She slowed down and I noticed her whole body sagged, I looked at her not saying anything just waiting expectantly.

"Well you have to understand, when you pushed me to the floor I hit my head on the way down, must have been pretty hard to cause the damage it did"

She looked at me, I think to gauge my reaction, I tried to keep a neutral face as I wanted her to continue, though inside I was was ready to commit hari kari, seeing I was alright she carried on.

"Well I was in a coma for over two years, according to my mother the hospital I was at was not able to cater for me and they needed to find me somewhere more permanent, there were a few NHS hospitals ​I could have gone to, but they weren't any good for my parents, who didn't want to be to far away from me"

She took a deep sigh before carrying on and I could feel my stomach twisting into knots, but I needed to know what I had put her and her family through, so I could damn well re-pay them for some of my sins.

"My father was offered the job in Blenheim Palace which was more money and they had a spare bed at the John Radcliffe, the only problem was they could only offer it to me as a private patient, so my parents scraped up the money and paid for it, but I was in a coma for longer than they expected, but they never gave up and keep paying for me"

She stopped to compose herself, when her tears became to much, after a few minutes she quietened down and prepared to continue.

All I Want Is YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon